Why It's One of the Most Important Online Revenue Drivers

In hospitality, technical SEO is one of the least understood and very much ignored digital technology and marketing disciplines. Technical SEO plays a major role in influencing Google and other search engines to rank your hotel website higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which results in qualified website visitors and bookings.

Google has frequently stated that it is using more than 200 major ranking “signals” with many thousands of sub-signals and variations. The following three categories are well within hoteliers’ control, and if the hotel website is optimized to communicate these signals to the search engines, will achieve higher ranking in SERPs and reward the property with significant organic revenues.

  • Content: unique, highly relevant and enticing website content that is professionally written, informative, useful and of travel guide-level quality.
  • Links: links to the hotel website from highly authoritative non-paid websites like CVBs, online magazines and newspapers, blogs, social media, etc.
  • Technical SEO: an ecosystem of technologies, configurations, and processes implemented to the website and server designed to optimize the hotel website and enable the search engine bots to access, crawl, interpret and index your website, which ultimately results in increased search traffic and revenue.

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