By Larry Mogelonsky, MBA, P. Eng. (

Marketing for hotels used to be a far simpler art. Define a budget, review media pricing then assign monthly figures to each chosen publication and design your ads. Nowadays, in the era of revenue managers, the director of marketing position is often not necessarily as important the aforementioned master of yield-managing inventory. Indeed, the executive housekeeper may be considered more important because if the guestrooms aren’t cleaned properly then your all-too-critical TripAdvisor scores may suffer.

Nowadays, marketing has been basically limited to:

  • Keeping the website functioning and up-to-date while measuring a multitude of KPIs that are almost irrelevant and often lack any indicated actions
  • A significant investment in Google Adwords, the bulk of which is spent on buying your own property name to keep top rank above the OTAs to save on commissions
  • Social media, which is a relationship channel, but can is still difficult to monetize
  • Supervising a public relations agency whose task is simply to get editors and feature writers to pay attention to your property but only if you pay all their expenses
  • Producing the odd piece of collateral, typically for F&B, spa, golf or some ancillary part of your organization
  • Fussing over one or two ads for events, arguing over wordsmithing on ever-smaller media budgets


Certainly, this alone is not a job description worthy of a six-figure salary! But that is not what you hired him (or her) for. You want someone who will contribute to your business’ success. Someone who can think about how to best showcase your exceptional guest experience.

Here are my recommendations:

  • Eliminate Google Adwords and third-party SEO programs from your budget or take a hiatus to see what the real impact is
  • Fire and then rehire your supplier agencies (revenue, web, PR, social, traditional), insisting upon a new plan based upon real marketing efforts and understanding who your customers truly are
  • Understand your real strengths and weaknesses in the form of specific segments such as leisure, corporate, groups, weddings, dining and spa to see where the focus should be
  • Build your new marketing programs on a micro-level in full concert with operations and sales, and letting your agencies in on operational planning
  • Worry less about measuring each and every iota and worry more about engagement and qualitative feedback that can guide service improvements and new initiatives


Many years ago, back when I was actually working in hotel marketing, before moving up the chain to asset manager, the GMs I worked under were only interested in one number – revenue! They largely left it up to us to figure out how to tweak business to achieve the best combination of occupancy and rate.

In this sense, marketing has always been a playful combination of art and science. My thought is that we’ve swung the pendulum too far into the science end, and in doing so, have abandoned the art of it all.