By Linchi Kwok

Last Thursday, we shared a few resume-writing tips to pass AI screening and the 6-second test. Today, we will visit tips on how to build an appealing LinkedIn profile.

Based onĀ the research findingsĀ from my work, I want to emphasize that having an appealing LinkedIn profile has become increasingly important in todayā€™s job market. I define an appealing LinkedIn profile as one that is:

  • Free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Complete: with all essential sections filled (e.g., a profile picture, work experience, and education).
  • Relevant: Having relevant work experience or educational background to the opening.
  • Consistent: showing consistent information to the one revealed in the cover letter, resume, and job interviews.

Specifically, I recommend job seekers pay attention to the following areas:

  1. Use a professional portrait picture:Ā A high-quality picture showing our professional look will be helpful. Avoid excess use of filters, jewelry, tattoos/piercings, or distracting background.
  2. Create a headline reflecting our personal brand: The headline is one of the first things people see when opening our LinkedIn profile. It should highlight our expertise and value.
  3. Provide a compelling summary:Ā Highlight our skills, accomplishments, experience, a cause or value, and unique selling points in the About section.
  4. Customize the LinkedIn URL
  5. Highlight the relevant job experience:Ā Like a resume, this section should include those indicative keywords that can pass AI screening and highlight our achievements and quantifiable results.
  6. Complete the educational section:Ā This will allow us to tag into the alumni networks of our alma maters.
  7. Get endorsements and recommendations:Ā They can help increase the credibility of our work and skills.
  8. Stay active and engaged:Ā Engage with other users with reactions and comments to their updates. ShareĀ industry updates and work-related picturesĀ to show what we care about.

Do you use LinkedIn? What other helpful tips will you offer to job seekers?