By Adam Mogelonsky, Larry Mogelonsky

In the realm of luxury hotels, guests have a highly discerning eye. And as they say, first impressions are everything. Combining these two, it’s no surprise that resorts and other envious properties around the globe spent an inordinate amount of time and money on crafting a great arrival experience. Having the honor of working with some of these over the years, we can say that there are lessons for all that are replicable at the non-luxury level.

To start, you must understand the luxury mindset – something we articulate in our ‘Mille Club’ designation and playbook for clients with ‘mille’ being the Italian for a thousand. While the allure of four-figure nightly rates may seem exclusive, the reality is that luxury guests possess a wealth of options, transcending geographical boundaries to seek the epitome of refinement and sophistication. As custodians of esteemed establishments, Mille Club members hotels bear the weight of responsibility, tasked with exceeding the lofty expectations of their discerning clientele.

For those fortunate enough to enter the hallowed halls of Mille Club membership – or those aspiring to grow their rates into this domain – maintaining this coveted status demands a nuanced understanding of the luxury consumer psyche. With a discerning eye for detail and an unwavering pursuit of perfection, Mille Club members must rise above the ordinary to deliver extraordinary experiences. In a landscape where mediocrity is met with disdain, every aspect of the guest journey must be meticulously crafted to evoke awe and admiration.

The Art of a Great Arrival

As the proverbial curtain rises on the guest experience, the arrival sets the stage for the enchanting spectacle that awaits. For luxury travelers weary from the rigors of modern-day travel, the journey’s end should herald a sanctuary of tranquility, refinement, anticipation and exclusivity. From the moment they step through the threshold, every sensory detail must converge on a theme to captivate their senses and evoke a sense of wonder.

Consider the lobby, the gateway to the guest’s immersive journey. Here, floral arrangements and bespoke art installations serve as hallmarks of the unparalleled luxury that awaits. Whether it’s the breathtaking floral displays of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts or the maximalist art adorning every corner of Faena Hotel Miami Beach, these visual masterpieces transcend mere decoration to become emblematic of the property’s ethos. These properties are stewards and champions of artists all over the world, while also giving global guests a big why for staying at that specific property.

Yet, the art of arrival extends beyond the physical realm to encompass the choreography of human interaction. A seamless ballet of staff orchestrates the guest’s transition from traveler to treasured patron, ensuring that every interaction leaves an indelible mark. From the warm embrace of a doorman’s greeting to the personalized attention of a front desk agent, each encounter must exude warmth, professionalism and a genuine commitment to hospitality.

Lessons from the Masters

In the annals of luxury hospitality, certain establishments have attained legendary status for their mastery of the art of arrival. Take, for instance, The Savoy in London, where a meticulously choreographed greeting sets the tone for an unforgettable stay. Similarly, at the Peninsula Beverly Hills, personalized service extends beyond mere formality to become a hallmark of excellence.

As a member of the Mille Club, introspection is key; senior hoteliers need time to think about every aspect that contributes to the hotel’s storytelling. Take a moment to view your lobby through the discerning eyes of your guests. What do they see? What do they hear, smell, and feel? Use technology to your advantage, recording and reviewing your lobby experience with a critical eye. Engage your management team in a dialogue, soliciting their insights and suggestions for elevating the arrival experience to new heights of perfection.

While hardly an operating manual on strategies for growing your ADR by twofold or threefold within the next decade, we emphasize that impressions are not merely important; they are everything. As stewards of luxury, Mille Club members must embrace the art of arrival with unwavering dedication and relentless attention to detail. By infusing every aspect of the guest journey with a sense of wonder and delight, Mille Club members can ensure that each arrival is not just a moment but a masterpiece.


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