HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee—The U.S. hotel industry reported higher performance from the month prior and improved comparisons with 2019, according to September 2022 data from STR.

September 2022 (percentage change from September 2019):

  • Occupancy: 66.7% (-0.6%)
  • Average daily rate (ADR): US$154.32 (+16.9%)
  • Revenue per available room (RevPAR): US$103.00 (+16.3%)

Among the Top 25 Markets, New York City experienced the highest occupancy level (86.1%), which was down 3.8% from the market’s 2019 benchmark. The market’s performance was helped by the United Nations General Assembly and New York Fashion Week.

Markets with the lowest occupancy for the month included New Orleans (55.2%) and Houston (57.4%). New Orleans also reported the steepest decline in occupancy when compared with 2019 (-16.6%).

Reflecting continued improvement in business travel and groups, the Top 25 Markets showed higher occupancy and ADR than all other markets.

A note to editors: All references to STR data and analysis should cite “STR” as the source. Please refrain from citing “STR, Inc.” “Smith Travel Research” or “STR Global” in sourcing.

Additional Performance Data
STR’s world-leading hotel performance sample comprises 75,000 hotels and 10 million hotel rooms around the globe. Please refer to the contacts listed below for additional data requests