By Madalyn Scerri, Anita Manfreda

A new wave of thinking is transforming the concept of hospitality, especially in the eyes of customers, driven by values such as well-being, authenticity, and meaning. Researchers and consultants at BMIHMS are uncovering the fundamental pillars for creating transformative hospitality experiences.

In the realm of hospitality and hotel management, we possess a remarkable power—the power to elevate individual well-being and foster positive transformations within our communities. Our industry is undergoing a profound transformation as we reimagine traditional offerings to create experiences that not only fulfil guests’ desires but also act as agents of personal and communal well-being.

Recent times have witnessed consumers increasingly prioritising authentic, meaningful, and sustainable experiences when they travel. The sharp rise of wellness tourism in recent years is a testament to this trend. People aren’t just looking for a place to stay; they’re seeking environments that nourish the body, enrich the mind, and replenish the soul. It’s a compelling call for the hospitality industry to adapt and grow, transforming standard offerings into experiences that have lasting positive effects on guests, employees, and communities alike.

Moreover, the imperative for social sustainability has never been more urgent. In the wake of COVID-19, consumers are not just asking for but demanding that organisations contribute positively to the community and the planet. For the hospitality industry, this means incorporating ethical and sustainable practices that go beyond basic corporate social responsibility.

That’s transformative hospitality. It goes beyond excellent service to prioritise the physical, emotional, social, and mental well-being of everyone it touches. It’s not just good for the soul; it’s good for business. In a post-COVID-19 landscape fraught with talent challenges, transformative hospitality can also improve employee engagement and create a more meaningful workplace. So, how do you bring about this sea change?

Guided by rigorous research at BMIHMS, we’ve distilled this philosophy into actionable strategies. These aren’t mere recommendations but pillars to uphold a new era of transformative hospitality.

  1. Inclusive Design: Cater to diverse customer needs by making your services accessible to everyone, irrespective of their abilities. Train staff to use inclusive service delivery to interact inclusively with a wide range of people.
  2. Create Emotional Connections: Elevate service from a mere transaction to a lasting relationship. Scrap the standard “How was your flight?” and dive into meaningful, empathetic conversations with your guests to make them feel genuinely valued and cherished.
  3. Design for holistic wellness: Reimagine wellness programs that focus on social, psychological, and physical well-being. Think mindfulness sessions, healthy dining options, and environments that foster relaxation and connection with nature.
  4. Craft differentiated experiences. Capture the imaginations of your guests by creating distinctive experiences that intimately connect them with the local community. Utilise the art of storytelling to arouse their curiosity, provide personalised recommendations for local attractions, and infuse every aspect of their experience with cultural richness and community feel.
  5. Don’t forget your internal guests: Place employee wellbeing at the forefront. Provide opportunities for them to find fulfilment and happiness at work, and support their professional and personal growth. This way, your employees can truly thrive, not merely survive in their roles.