Sept. 02–New Mexico hospitality, tourism groups to merge

The boards of directors of the New Mexico Lodging Association and the Tourism Association of New Mexico unanimously voted to consolidate the two organizations under one banner to promote tourism and hospitality in the state. The new organization’s goal is to expand tourism, create more jobs and work together for the benefit of the thousands of people who work in the hospitality industry.

“This is a great day for the hospitality industry in New Mexico,” said Rich Verruni, chairman of the New Mexico Lodging Association. “Having one voice will make for a much stronger presence with our legislators, representing our membership and demonstrating the tremendous impact of the hospitality industry within our state both with employment and revenue.”

“Our two organizations are aligned in philosophy, so bringing us together in one organization makes a great deal of sense,” explained Richard Holcomb, president of the Tourism Association of New Mexico. “We both provide ongoing training and seminars, and through this consolidation our ability expands to provide greater conferences with national speakers. Our goals are to better educate our members as we continue providing stellar service to our visitors both in state and out of state.”

An interim board of directors has been selected equally representing each organization. They will draft new bylaws and elect a new CEO by the end of the year.

The tourism and hospitality industry is the second largest employment sector in the state behind oil and gas production. Tourism brings in more than $6 billion each year in revenue to the state and employs nearly 100,000 people, according to the state Tourism Department.

For more information on the Tourism Association of New Mexico, go to For more information on the New Mexico Lodging Association, go to