As part of the strategic cooperation agreement, the first three deals expected to mark the Tribute Portfolio’s brand debut in Hangzhou and Chongqing

Marriott International, Inc. announced the first three projects under its strategic cooperation agreement with Delonix Group, one of the leading China-based hospitality companies, are now underway. Anticipated to open in spring 2025, the first signed Tribute Portfolio Hotels are expected to mark the brand’s debut in three scenic destinations, and include the Grand New Century Hotel, Hangzhou Boao, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, the Wonderland Resort, Hangzhou Jiande, a Tribute Portfolio Resort and the Grand New Century Hotel, Chongqing, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel.

“We are pleased with how quickly our strategic agreement with Delonix Group has materialized with today’s announcement of the first phase,” said Yibing Mao, President, Greater China, Marriott International. “The confidence that Delonix Group and other owners and franchisees have in Marriott underscores our operational excellence and the power of our brands. We are optimistic in meeting consumer needs, strengthening our brand presence in the region, and driving revenues for owners.”

These signings will mark Tribute Portfolio’s brand debut in three scenic destinations including Chongqing, Xiaoshan and Jiande, providing guests with enriching experiences through captivating design and vibrant social scenes. Grand New Century Hotel, Chongqing, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel will offer 210 modern guest rooms and suites. Strategically located in the center of Chongqing, it is in close proximity to Chaotianmen Wharf, Hongya Cave, and tourist attractions and business districts. Wonderland Resort, Hangzhou Jiande, a Tribute Portfolio Resort is located in the Qililong Area of the Fuchun River – Xinan River Scenic Area in Jiande, Hangzhou. Neighboring famous historical and cultural attractions such as Lingshi Temple and Zixu Gorge, the hotel features unique chalets and vacation-style cottages, offering a total of 203 guest rooms. Located in the central area of Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou, Grand New Century Hotel, Hangzhou Boao, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel draws design inspiration from Hangzhou’s abundant river system and is anticipated to feature 299 guest rooms and suites.

Alex Zheng, Executive Chairman of Delonix Group commented: “We are pleased with the progress of our collaboration with Marriott International. With our local expertise combined with the strengths of Marriott, we look forward to offering more high-quality projects in the future.”