Hotel Online Special Report

  Lodging Executives Current Sentiment Continues Poor, 
Future Still Recording Very Positive Outlook
Durham, N.H., Oct. 31, 2001 �. The composite Lodging Executive�s Sentiment Index (LEsI) calculated at 50.0�no growth and no expansion for the month of October, a bit higher than its all time low recorded in 2001 in the month of June at 44.6. This month�s index is greatly affected by the future expectations with a reading of 96.9 since current expectations are at 3.1�only one executive responded that business is normal, all others indicated that business was BAD. One executive mentioned that 2nd tier cities were more normal even though on balance he too marked �bad.� A LEsI reading of 50+ marks the lodging industry as generally expanding; and below 50, the industry is generally declining while the distance from 50 is indicative of the strength of the expansion or decline. 

The future is looking very positive � 93.3% of the executives indicated their expectations for lodging business conditions were going to be better 12 months from now versus 83% last month, with only 6.7% of the respondents indicating good conditions, and none think that conditions will be worse 12 months from now. �I think we�ve finally reached bottom,� said another industry executive, �unless we have another massive terrorists� attack.� The LEsI, a nationwide poll of lodging industry executives in operations, finance and development, human resources, and marketing who represent all segments of the lodging industry, tracks on a month-to-month basis a 12-month outlook for the lodging industry. LodgingForecast holds its executives� responses in strictest confidence, and only the final summary analysis is reported.

Consumer confidence, as reported by the Conference Board, fell sharply last month to 85.5 - its lowest reading since 1994, and during the past three months, confidence for consumers over the age of 55 declined most significantly. The decline in confidence mirrors almost exactly the decline that took place when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990. Sophia Koropeckyj of the Dismal Scientist also says, �surprisingly, travel plans have improved and the share of consumers expected to fly to their destination has not fallen appreciably, from 19.8% to 18.2%.� The Conference Board's time horizon is 6 months, differing from the LEsI which has a 12 month time horizon for the Futures Expectations Index. Echoing lodging executives� sentiment, �many consumers believe that the economy will rebound in a year's time but are much more pessimistic about the six-month time horizon.� Korobeckyj continues, ��tourism is being adversely affected. While the cyclical slowdown had already caused a deceleration in growth in the tourism and convention industries, conditions are now far worse.�
The Rooms Reservations Index inched upwards a bit to 50.0 versus last month�s negative growth reading of 42.9. The Rooms Reservation Index asks executives what they expect for rooms reservations/bookings over the next 12 months compared to the last 12 months. 

In its ninth monthly reporting, the October Lodging Employment Index indicated slight expansion reading at 53.1; it climbed significantly compared to the total index reading for non-management employees at 31.0 for September. Lodging industry executives are asked whether, over the next 12 months, do they expect to: 

  1. add non-management employees, 
  2. keep the number about the same, or 
  3. reduce the total number of non-management employees. 
While the Lodging Employment Index reading is at flatline, the cautious trending upward of the need to add to the labor supply over the next 12 months supports the executives� sentiment for future business conditions index. The U.S. jobless rate surged to 5.4% in October, the highest rate of unemployment in five years. The services industry lost 111,000 jobs in October, the largest decline in the history of this series, and the travel-related industries, including hotels, declined at a greater rate than the economy as a whole. The employment index is directly connected to the level of business activity in our industry where we suffer lower valleys than the overall economy. We do experience higher peaks��when the economy was humming, the lodging industry was advancing better that 3% above the CPI� says Evangelos Simos, Chief Economist at LodgingForecast.
October 2001 Lodging Executives Sentiment 
at a Glance
Direction of Business Activity
Speed of Change in Business Activity
LESI 50.0 Flat   Flat
Present Situation Index 3.1 Declining Faster
Future Expectations Index  96.9 Expanding  Slightly Faster
Reservations Expectations Index 50.0 Flat but Expanding Slightly Faster
Employment Expectations Index 53.1 Expanding Much Fast

About the Index

Following the National Association of Purchasing Managers (NAMP) Index method of tracking economic indicators, the LEsI is a diffusion index--a convenient summary measure showing the prevailing direction of change and the magnitude of change for the Lodging Industry. The LEsI is a leading indicator based on opinions of lodging executives looking into the future as well as weighing in on the current situation.


LodgingForecast publishes several lodging-related indicators each month. In an agreement with PKF�s Hospitality Research Group and using proprietary forecasting models, LodgingForecast generates the LEsI and 18-month forecasts for occupancy, ADR, RevPAR, as well as construction and employment costs with its Lodging Industry Barometer (LIB). The LIB is a composite, quantitative assessment of the lodging industry�s national business cycle that weighs room rates and occupancy. Monthly forecasts, looking 18 months out, are normally published in Lodging Hospitality Magazine.


Raymond J.Goodman, Jr. 
[email protected]
(603) 868-7888

Also See A Little Bump Upward�Especially for the Future; Lodging Executives Sentiment Looking More Positive / Oct 2001 
Lodging Executives Current Sentiment -- BAD, But the Future is Looking Very Positive / September 2001
Lodging Executives Continues to be --BAD, but a Little Move to the Plus Side / Aug 2001
Lodging Executives Sentiment Current Situation in Steep Decline; Future Looks More Positive / July 2001 
Lodging Executives Sentiment Continues to Slip and Slide, but the Future Still Registers Positive / May 2001 
Lodging Executives Sentiment Current Situation in Steep Decline�Future Looks More Positive / March 2001
Lodging Executives Sentiment Flying High Above Other Indicators �Do we know something they don�t.� / Feb 2001
Lodging Executives Sentiment slides downward, Mimics the Dow / Dec 2000 
Lodging Executives Sentiment Holds Steady Amid Stock Market Correction and the High Cost of Energy / Oct 2000
Hospitality Industry Boom has Executives Bullish About Present Conditions and Optimistic About the Future; Lodging Executives Sentiment Index / Sept 2000 
The Lodging Executives Sentiment Index (LESI) Rose to 76.4 in July, Up from June�s Reading of 70.3 / Aug 2000 

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