Through the Travel Industry's Highs and Lows Employees Are Still One of
a Hotel's Greatest Assets
Aspire Marketing & Training Offers Tips to Keep
Employee Morale & Productivity High

SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA (June 5, 2003) � Capital Renovations. Refurbishments.  Enhancement Projects.  Keeping a property looking great is one the top concerns of today�s hoteliers.  Often, however, while concentrating on the physical product, hotels forget about maintaining one of its top assets � its employees.  As the industry weathers one of its toughest climates, the acclaimed creative motivators of Aspire Marketing & Training offer a few tips for keeping employee morale and productivity high during the challenging times.

Communication � It is the blood of your business -- stay in touch with your employees -- talk to them, ask them how they are doing, listen to their fears, and tell them the truth.  �Times are tough and if we continue to touch each of our guests in a more powerful way than our competitors, we will lead.  You (the employee) are integral in controlling that experience for our guests and the hotel.�  

Celebrations -- Many managers and companies cut out all parties or celebrations during tough times and this is truly the time to find ways to celebrate and keep your employees informed.  You do not need to spend a lot of money -- having a 15-minute coffee break with your staff will get you a lot of productivity at the end of the day.

Share the facts � Sometimes we confuse what seems to be an �easy job� like cleaning a room with a lack of intelligence.  If you want people to feel confident about you as a manager and about the hotel they work in, you have to share knowledge about the situation with them.  Tell them that, �to win at these times our priorities are _______.�  They will focus where you focus, so if you focus on just bad news and that lay-offs are the only solution, you will not motivate your people and they will look elsewhere.

Brainstorm with Staff � The key to increasing revenues in tough times is focusing on �stealing� or, more politically correct, �capturing� market share.  Do a15-minute brainstorming session with different departments on what that means to them.  There is a lot of business in your backyard and your employees live in it.  Encourage housekeeping to recommend ways to better make connections with each guest.  Being thoughtful about their needs, not just cleaning their room, is the difference between a one-time guest and a frequent guest.  If the guest has children, is there something that you can do that that could make their stay just a little bit easier � parents always remember a helping hand.  At the front desk, get agents involved in prospecting, �Does anyone else from your company come to the area?�  Work your breakfast room or restaurant for new guests.  By getting your staff involved in capturing and retaining customers, they will take more pride in their work and you will see both confidence and enthusiasm increase, not to mention productivity and profitability.

About Aspire Marketing:  
Aspire Marketing is a leading provider of revenue improvement tools, training and marketing services to the hospitality industry. Through a variety of innovative approaches and resources, Aspire works with each business from its heart and soul to help companies strategically capitalize on their unique business opportunities and improve their revenues. Committed to inspiring people, Aspire specializes in tools that maximize market share and revenue improvement, re-energizing sales efforts, and driving powerful results.  Founded in 1995, Aspire Marketing & Training has headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a network of hi-impact professionals across the country.  For more information on Aspire Marketing & Training and its creative programs, please call (480) 481-7888 or visit  

Aspire Marketing offers its clients' innovative resources to find
 competitive advantages and drive revenues. 

 To learn more please contact: 
Aspire Marketing 
Debby McCurdy-Kidwell 
[email protected]


Also See: Higher Employee Productivity Advice from Aspire Marketing / June 2003 
A Hotel's Backyard Market: Key During the Good Times, Crucial During Today's Challenging Times / Aspire Marketing & Training Offers New Backyard Sales Program / May 2003
As We Brace for War, Experts Predict Tough Economic Times for Tourism / March 2003
Smashing the Sacred Cow of Typical Training Programs; Aspire Offers Customized Coaching Programs for Creative Sales & Marketing Successes / Feb 2003
Re-Invent Room Pricing Tactics and Drive Website Revenues to Survive & Thrive in Changed Hotel Industry, Urges Maverick Hotel Trainer Aspire Marketing / Nov 2002

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