Hotel Online Special Report

  Market Metrix, LLC Provides Hotel Industry 
Customer Satisfaction Reporting Via Internet
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Oct. 26, 2000 - Market Metrix, LLC, a customer satisfaction market research firm, today announced the launch of, the first business-to-business Internet site providing customer satisfaction reporting exclusively for the hotel industry. enables subscribers to interact directly with their own customer satisfaction data, providing information needed to make business decisions to increase customer and employee loyalty and company profitability.  Proprietary database tools help users select, sort and frame easy-to-understand information that identifies problems and suggests solutions.

�Our vision for is to build an online community for the improvement of guest satisfaction, which also means improvement of bottom-line profitability,� says Market Metrix partner, Jonathan Barsky, Ph.D.  �Hotel executives can slice and dice data to get to the bottom of satisfaction problems; they�ll be able to post messages on the company bulletin board to gather intelligence; and use our best practices database to find solutions.�

Market Metrix conducts customer and employee satisfaction surveys via paper, Internet or telephone.  The results are presented on in a simple and easy-to-navigate format that allows users to track trends and understand the reason for low scores.  For many clients, the data has become the driver for budget allocations.

�Market Metrix customer feedback tools have fundamentally changed the way we do business,� says Barbara Bayone, director of operations, Manhattan East Suite Hotels.  �We rely on the results to indicate what improvements will translate into loyal guests.  Based on the data, for example, we launched a room upgrade program and determined exactly which properties, even which rooms, needed attention.�

Because people are among a hotel�s greatest assets and many aspects of customer satisfaction hinge on staff performance, there also is a growing trend toward using satisfaction data as a basis for employee compensation.  �One of the ways we encourage improvement in service across our managed hotel system is by linking compensation to satisfaction scores,� says Sharon Smith, director of brand management, Red Lion Hotels & Inns.  �Of course if we are going to do that we have to have confidence in the results.  With Market Metrix security process we have this confidence.�


Lenny Nash
Market Metrix, LLC

Also See Internet Based Guest Survey Tool Being Tested by Unifocus / May 2000 
Data Crunchers at Irving-based UniFocus Help Hotels Improve Customer Service, Maintain Employee , Morale / July 2000 

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