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Convention Bureau Chief Angers Local Leaders, Prompts Most Board of Directors to Quit 
Before Being Fired 
By David van den Berg, Belleville News-Democrat, Ill.
Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News 

Dec. 4--After angering local leaders, prompting most of his board to quit and costing the Southwestern Illinois Tourism and Convention Bureau much of its state money, Mark Westhoff lost his job as the bureau's chief Monday. 

But his departure does not mean the bureau will automatically get all of its state funding back, according to a spokesman for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs. 

On Monday, St. Clair County Associate Judge Stephen Rice appointed David Lewis as the bureau's custodian -- taking leadership and control from Westhoff and giving it to Lewis. 

Lewis is a Belleville attorney and chairman of the tourism bureau's board. 

Westhoff did not object to or challenge the court's decision. Lewis has said the bureau does not have enough money to give Westhoff a severance package. 

"Mark is out of a job here -- he's not going to come back to work for us," Lewis said. 

Westhoff could not be reached. 

The tourism bureau began coming apart in May, when Westhoff -- who was then the bureau's president and chief executive officer -- blasted some communities at a news conference for not giving more hotel and motel tax revenues to the bureau. He said they were misspending their dollars. 

Westhoff's comments angered local officials and board members were unable to fix the relationships. Board members asked Westhoff to resign, he refused and they decided they did not have legal authority to fire Westhoff. Seven board members then resigned in protest, leaving only Lewis, Westhoff, and some newly appointed members. 

Lewis said he would like to see one member on the board from each of the eight counties the bureau represents. Once a complete board is in place, Lewis said he will do "whatever it takes" to repair the bureau's relationships with St. Clair County and other local governments who were angered by Westhoff's behavior. 

Rob Phillips, a spokesman for the state commerce department, said Lewis must demonstrate that he has support of local governments in the metro-east before the bureau will get the bulk of the $380,000 the state had committed for this year. Phillips said letters from local governments expressing support for Lewis could bring back the state money. 

The tourism bureau's entire budget is about $700,000. 

After St. Clair County rescinded its support for the bureau in September, the state significantly reduced its funding for the bureau in early November. Fairview Heights also cut its support for the bureau last month. Its office closed two weeks ago. 

Lewis said the bureau's collapse, shutdown and change of leadership should not have a terribly serious impact on tourism promotion efforts, provided the bureau can get funding and get a board quickly. 

"If we can pick up quickly, it's not going to be that bad," he said. 

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(c) 2001, Belleville News-Democrat, Ill. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. 


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