"One-on-One", is a new Hotel Online feature centered around an informational audio interview. In addition to hearing the audio, the audience sees photos, images, exhibits and text. With links to other supporting documents, One-on-One has infinite depth.

Each One-on-One segment is headlined in a daily Hotel Online e-mail sent to nearly 20,000 hospitality industry subscribers. Each headline is then linked to an individualized launch page (like this one.) Also, each segment is listed for one month in a special One-on-One area on Hotel Online's web site. Afterwards, they are indexed and are available from archive for one year.

This powerful new format is an ideal way to communicate new ideas and complex concepts. As demonstated here, the blend of a human voice, imagery, and supporting documentation engages the listener on several levels. It conveys a conceptual vision which leads to understanding and message retention.