Hotel Online Special Report

   Nikko Hotels Provides Advice for 
Stressed Out Business Travelers 
October 24, 2000 - More business travelers are on the road than ever � a record 43.9 million of them last year, according to the Travel Industry Association of America. Many of them � pressed for time and stressed by professional commitments � neglect taking care of themselves exactly when rest, exercise and a healthy diet could help keep them alert, self-confident and fit, psychologically as well as physically. 

Although many business travelers complain they don�t have time for a proper workout, there are many things they could do to remedy that � even if full gym facilities are unavailable. Here are some suggestions from Nikko Hotels International, the luxury hotel chain with facilities around the globe, to help business travelers stay sharp while on the road.

Be flexible. �Don�t give up on exercise just because you cannot get out for your 3-mile run. Be flexible and walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator,� says Soichiro Taguchi, sales development director at Nikko Hotels International, himself a frequent business traveler.
Little things mean a lot.  �If you have no time to visit our gym or swimming pool, you can seek exercise opportunities in bits and pieces,� suggests Carsten Heitmann, director of sales at the Hotel Nikko Düsseldorf. �Pack small, lightweight items such as jump ropes, stretch cords and bands and exercise in your room. They will help you maintain an exercise routine while away from home.�
Forget your workout clothes? That�s no reason to be a couch potato at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco where the Health Club can outfit guests with appropriate workout gear � including swimsuits and towels. The hotel�s five-lane lap pool is sited beneath a domed atrium that offers plenty of sunshine by day and starlight skies by night. �In addition,� suggests John Hutar, vice president - general manager at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco, �walking the hills of San Francisco between appointments is not only a great exercise, but a splendid way to see the city.� 
Relax your body � and your mind. �If you don�t like to exercise in a gym, you can relax your body in our Tranquility Center,� suggests Sekar Sari, public relations manager at Nikko Bali Resort & Spa. �There you can enjoy the sauna, aromatherapy steam bath and the hot and cold Jacuzzi.�
Discover fun exercises. �Although our gym and pool offers plenty of exercise opportunities, roller-skating along the Seine is a great way of seeing the sights of Paris while working out,� notes Evelyne Sansaricq, director of sales at the Hotel Nikko de Paris. �Especially try it on Sundays when the highways are closed to traffic and open only to roller skates and bicycles. Our concierges can direct you to the rental locations along the Seine.�
Discover your surroundings. �Roller-skating along the Seine is an enjoyable exercise, especially on Sundays when the highways are closed to traffic and open only to roller skates and bicycles,� notes Evelyne Sansaricq, director of sales at the Hotel Nikko de Paris. �Our concierges can direct you to the rental locations along the Seine.�
Improve your concentration, flexibility and strength. Hotel Nikko México offers Hatha Yoga classes free of charge. Let your body surprise you reducing stress, tension and toxins. �We look for a better relationship between our body, mind and heart,� says Sandra Sanchez Maya, Marketing Assistant, from Hotel Nikko México.
Don�t forget diet. �Many people eat poorly when on business trips, either overindulging to compensate for the stress of being away from home or otherwise neglecting proper nutrition,� states Lisa Yang, reservation manager at Hotel Nikko Longbai Shanghai. �Stay away from between-meals junk food and have instead a light lunch at our sushi bar.�
Birgit van den Berg
Publicis Dialog, in New York 
(212) 684-6300, ext. 347
[email protected]

Also See Nikko Hotels Offers The ABCs of Global Table Manners / July 1999 000 

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