Hotel Online Special Report

 Tourism, Growth & Sustainable Development - 
Year 2000 theme: Tourism and Growth 
  • Tourism as a growth and development engine
  • What strategies are best for sustainable development of touristic sites
The 2nd Tourism Summits
Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 - Strengthened by the success and the audience recorded in 1999 by the 1st annual cycle of conferences on tourism and sustainable development, The World Tourism Summits for the year 2000 will open in Geneva on December 4 and will continue in Chamonix Mont-Blanc at the Seminar Centre le Majestic on 5-6 December 2000

Tourism is becoming the most important economic sector worldwide, as well as an essential human activity in the third millennium, so it now demands a global vision.  The city of Chamonix Mont-Blanc, one of those special territories where tourism was invented, wants to be - with this second international session - a laboratory for innovations allowing more sustainable development of tourism on a planetary scale�, emphasises Michel Charlet, Mayor of Chamonix Mont-Blanc and President of the Association of Tourism Summits.

The Chamonix Mont-Blanc-Geneva World Tourism Summits aim at presenting the various dimensions involved in sustainable development thanks to annual conferences and special seminars.

In 1999, the Tourism Summits emphasised the ecological aspects.  In the year 2000, they will deal with Tourism and Growth, and then in 2001 with social aspects and in 2002 culture.

The year 2000 version will rough out the challenges and the impacts, as well as the obstacles to growth of this industry in the era of globalisation.

The World Tourism Summits will clarify the factors making for long-term success of sustainable economic growth of destinations, enabling touristic sites to survive : a real vade-mecum for all participants associated with this year 2000 session : policy deciders, economic players, and researchers and association officials, involved in the fast-moving developments in the tourism field.

For the year 2000 this high-level international meeting is sponsored by numerous important figures:

  • Michelle Demessine, French Secretary of State for Tourism, 
  • Pascal Couchepin, Federal Counsellor, Swiss government (Economics), 
  • Roger Dehaybe, General Manager of the International Organization of the French Speaking Community, 
  • Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organisation, Anne-Marie Comparini, President of the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, as well as 
  • Ernest Nycollin President of the General Council of Haute-Savoie.
The Scientific Committee, initiator of the year 2000 programme, is chaired by Professor Peter Keller, president of the International Association of Scientific Tourism Experts (AIEST), assisted by Franklin Adejuwon, former Nigerian minister of agriculture and national parks, Brent Ritchie, president of the World Tourism Education & Research Centre of the University of Calgary, Doris Ruschmann, Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Bernard Debarbieux, Director of the T.E.O.  laboratory, Luigi Gaido, President of the Scientific Committee of cities of the Alps, and Philippe Moisset, Director of the French Agency for Tourism Engineering (AFIT).

Partners for the year 2000 programme : 

  • the State Secretariat for Tourism, 
  • the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, 
  • the General Council of Haute-Savoie, 
  • the Lake Annecy District Association (SILA), 
  • the National Association of Travel Agents ( SNAV), 
  • the International Organization of the French Speaking Community, Mont-Blanc Region,  
  • the Republic and the Canton of Geneva, the City and the Tourism Office of Geneva, 
  • Accor,
  • Swissair, 
  • Geneva Airport, 
  • the Grand Saint-Bernard Tunnel, 
  • EMA Foundation�
For three days, exchanges of knowledge and of innovative experiments will make it possible to identify new operational policies in the interest of real sustainable development of world tourism.  Looking beyond the economic approach, this development targets such objectives as the quality of life of the resident populations and respect for the environment.
Service Congrès - 
Sommets du Tourisme de Chamonix Mont-Blanc
BP 25 � 74 400 
Chamonix Mont-blanc 
Tél. : 04 50 53.75.50 � 
Fax : 04 50 53.80.83
E mail : [email protected]

Also See Teaching Travellers to Be Activists in Preserving the Places They Visit is a Key to Achieving Sustainable Development in the Tourism Industry / April 1999 
Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel Formed to Encourage the Travel and Tourism Industry to Develop/Promote Sustainable Practices / Mar 2000 

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