Hotel Online Special Report

 National Trust Historic Hotels of America Creating 
Historic and Cultural Travel Packages 
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 5, 2000 -- National Trust Historic Hotels of America�s members will receive additional visibility through a newly formed strategic alliance with  This partnership will allow Historic Hotels of America to create getaway packages and tours focused on historic and cultural travel.

�We are delighted to have formed a relationship with  Historic Hotels now has greater ability to promote historic travel to the public over the Internet and through alliances with other hospitality partners,� says Thierry Roch, executive director of National Trust Historic Hotels of America.  �This new alliance will add value for Historic Hotels members at the same time offering a valuable service to the consumer�the convenience of booking exciting, pre-packaged historic travel products through one source.�

When introduced this summer, a traveler will be able to plan a historic driving tour through the Historic Hotels of America or the Traveling America website and make reservations for specially designed travel packages including hotel, museums and historic sites along the route. Itineraries for Florida, Georgia & South Carolina, New York State and the Mississippi Delta are currently available.  This partnership will also provide Historic Hotels members with the ability to promote commonly themed and seasonal travel specials.

�This is a great opportunity for us to provide one-stop shopping for the historic traveler,� says Maree Forbes, Ph.D., executive vice president and co-founder of Traveling America.  �Through our respective websites, consumers will be able to book visits to some of this country�s most remarkable historic sites and legendary hotels.� provides on-line marketing and development services to customers with specialty tourism needs.  

National Trust Historic Hotels of America is a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  HHA has identified 150 hotels in 41 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico that have faithfully maintained their historic integrity, architecture and ambience.  To be selected for this program, a hotel must be at least 50 years old, listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places or recognized locally as having historic significance.

Mary Billingsley
 National Trust Historic Hotels of America
[email protected]

Also See: History is Hot; National Trust Historic Hotels of America Adds Five Hotels / April 2000 
20 Historical and Architectural Significant Hotels Added to National Trust Historic Hotels of America / Oct 1999 

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