Hotel Online Special Report

TIA Survey Indicates Internet Travel Web Sites 
are the Most Useful to Travelers
Atlantic City, NJ - June 12, 2000 - Half of all Americans say that they use the travel media - - everything from newspaper travel sections and television travel shows to online newsletters - - to plan their vacations. This accounts for 101.9 million adults. However, Internet web sites are ranked as the most useful sources for travel news, according to a new TIA Travel Poll released by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA). 

The survey, which asked Americans about 14 different types of travel media, included a representative sample of more than 1,300 U.S. adults. The results were released during the Travel Media Showcase in Atlantic City. According to the survey, 28 percent of U.S. residents say they used newspaper travel sections to plan their travel in the past year. Twenty one percent used an Internet web site for their travel planning and 21 percent used television travel shows such as CNN Travel Guide. 

Mediums used in the past year to plan a trip or vacation*

Newspaper travel section   28%
Internet Web site   21%
Travel show on television or cable   21%
Motor Club Magazine, such as AAA   18%
Consumer lifestyle magazines   17%
News magazines   12%
Consumer travel magazine   12%
Membership Publication   12%
Travel guidebook   11%
In-flight magazine from an airline    10%
A travel trade or business publication    10%
An electronic or e-mail newsletter   9%
*Multiple responses allowed

However, when travelers who use more than one travel medium were asked which travel medium is most useful to them, 26 percent say that they find Internet web sites most useful, followed by newspaper travel sections and television travel shows. 

�The reason for the usefulness of Internet web sites is clear.� said William S. Norman, president and CEO of the Travel Industry Association of America. �Internet web sites are available 24 hours a day, and they can be accessed from both home and office. In addition, Internet sites don�t have the time and space limitations of traditional media, and this allows them to have the large volumes of information often required of today�s traveler. Internet sites can also be updated more quickly than other forms travel media which gives them the reputation for having the most up to date information on a destination.� 

Half of travel media users (50%) say they read, watch or listen to travel media at least once a month or once a week. Fifteen percent of travel media users say they use the travel media 2-3 times per week. 

Travelers were also asked if they have ever decided to visit a travel destination because of information that they saw or read in the travel media. About one third (31%) said they have done so. Sixty-eight percent said no and one percent did not know. Of this group, 26 percent said they saw the destination they visited profiled on a television travel show. Eighteen percent said they read about the destination in a newspaper travel section, 12 percent said they read about the destination on an Internet Web site, and 12 percent say they read about the place in a consumer travel magazine. 

TIA is the national, non-profit organization representing all components of the $540 billion travel industry. TIA�s mission is to represent the whole of the U.S. travel industry to promote and facilitate increased travel to and within the United States. 

Cathy Keefe 
(202) 408-2183

Also See: Travelers� Use of the Internet has Grown 190 % from 29 million in 1996 to 85 million in 1999 / TIA / Feb 2000 
OAG Survey Claims 20% of Business Travelers Using Internet to Plan Flights and Book Hotels / Nov 1999 

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