Hotel Online Special Report

 Three Hospitality Consulting Companies Form 
the Horwath North American Alliance

New York, New York - Juen 8, 2000 - Three leading consulting firms, Horwath Consultants, Horwath Horizons, and Horwath Landauer announced today the formation of the Horwath North American Alliance, combining the human assets of these three prominent hospitality consulting companies.  The newly-formed organization assembles the expertise of over 40 hospitality, tourism, and real estate professionals located in 14 offices throughout the continental United States and Canada.  Each independent company will share in the resources of the combined firm, including the specialties of the group�s individuals, research capacities and databases, and the business synergies resulting from their wide range of clients and industry contacts.

According to Bob Mullikin, Executive Managing Director of Horwath Landauer�s global hospitality practice, �This strategic partnering allows the Alliance to secure the very best and most appropriate talent to address each client�s particular hospitality investment for profitable results.� Geoff Kirkland of Horwath Horizon's Charlotte office continues,  "The Alliance's collective experience exceeds that of other major hospitality consulting firms. Averaging over 20 years in the industry per professional, our accumulated knowledge base gives clients unparalleled insight into the many facets of the industry, including a first-hand understanding of the economic cycles and their impact on travel and tourism development."

According to Horwath Horizon�s Jeff Marvel based in Kansas City, �While many of us have supported one another informally in the past, this new organization cements our commitment to bring our consolidated resources to bear for any single client assignment.�  Rick Swope of Houston agrees, �The Alliance helps support our growing practices, enabling us to accept more assignments and conduct increasingly high quality work.�  Joel Rosen, of Horwath Consultants in Toronto, sums up the Alliance as �A case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts--the epitome of win-win, for clients and our individual teams.� 

Furthermore, the Alliance�s firms are active supporters in the nation�s premiere hospitality programs including Cornell University�s School of Hotel Administration, New York University�s Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Administration, and University of Denver�s School of Hotel and Restaurant Management to name a few. 

�The Alliance will be able to attract the very brightest talent to our companies by providing meaningful opportunities in a variety of hospitality disciplines and locations,� adds Peter Tyson of Philadelphia.  Horwath Landauer continues to exhibit its commitment as a Sponsor of the NYU Annual International Hospitality Investment Conference, the largest and most prestigious of its kind.

The Horwath North American Alliance is comprised of Horwath Consultants headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with offices in Calgary, Montreal, and Vancouver.   Horwath Horizons maintains offices in Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, Philadelphia, and Houston. Horwath Landauer is headquartered in New York City with offices in Chicago, Detroit, Southern Florida, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
The Alliance firms are all members of Horwath International and share the resources of its 400 network offices of independent accounting and management consulting firms around the world.  Horwath International�s headquarters is located in New York, New York with member firms located in over 90 countries.

Bob Mullikin, 212.621.9534
Geoff Kirkland, 704.752.9661
Joel Rosen, 416.928.1444

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