Hotel Online Special Report

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Process for Both Consumers and Restaurants/Destinations
NEW YORK, April 6, 2000 -, a real-time, Web-based reservations and appointments system for local merchants and professional services, goes live April 6, announced founder and CEO David Kanbar. is poised to become the premiere online reservation destination on the Web.  In addition to offering the ability to make real-time reservations at its participating merchants such as restaurants, health clubs, hair salons and spas, will also partner with major reservation and ticket purchasing sites from the travel, entertainment, and hospitality industries to offer the Internet�s most comprehensive reservation selection. provides users the unique opportunity to book a multitude of appointments and reservations at one Web site, from restaurant tables, personal trainers, and spa treatments to airline tickets and doctor and dentist appointments.  Bookings can be made through the Web site and soon through a Web-based phone or Personal Digital Assistant.

� brings the ability to book a  number of different appointments and reservations through one Web site.  Consumers can plan and book a week, month or even a year�s schedule on,� says Joe Gawronski, president and chief operating officer of  � also provides users the ability to keep track of the bookings through our online Palm/Outlook syncable calendar, which is updated automatically when new appointments are scheduled.�

The goal of is to simplify the reservation process for both consumers and merchants.  From a business-to-business standpoint, Kanbar and Gawronski are working with their merchant customers to make their businesses more efficient by developing one-to-one marketing campaigns that utilize the enhanced level of information they will have about their clientele. will primarily drive traffic to its merchants by forging relationships with existing portals, rather than launching a massive consumer marketing campaign.  �We provide a valuable service to many consumer sites so forging a relationship with them is a win-win for all parties concerned,� said Kanbar.  �Using our reservations engine, they will be able to provide their users with an enhanced level of service and functionality, and we will drive traffic to our merchants who pay us for that service.� gives merchants its proprietary software that automates a merchant�s reservations/appointments �book� and stores the data on its database.  The ireserve Web server queries this database directly, and is thus, able to manage reservations and appointments for its users in real time. also provides targeted marketing capabilities through its database of registered users, as well as excellent cross-selling opportunities for its merchants.  For instance, if a user books dinner at a local restaurant, may deliver an advertisement for a film that is playing around the corner at a local theater.

�The launch of our site is only the first phase of  We�re still developing partnerships with key merchants, portals and other reservations services that will add value to and expand the offerings to our merchants and the Web site�s visitors.  We have already signed on several high-end merchants that we will be announcing over the course of the next few weeks,� Kanbar comments.

Kanbar, former executive vice president at Skyy Spirits, and Gawronski, former vice president in the equity division of Salomon Smith Barney, sought a team with a diverse background and recruited people with years of combined experience.  As a result,�s management and board of advisors are comprised of leaders from the finance, advertising/marketing, and Internet industries.

Origins of
Sitting in his brother�s restaurant one day in the spring of  �99, ireserve�s founder, David Kanbar, thought it very ironic that his brother had just spent thousands of dollars to equip his restaurant with a state-of-the-art  point-of-sale (POS)  system and yet the hostess was still scribbling down reservations in a manual log.  The idea of an online reservations system for restaurants was hatched.  At a  fateful dinner party with some friends that included our President, Joe Gawronski, they concluded that the idea was scalable beyond just restaurants and applicable to other local businesses that had not yet been touched by the web either.  By the end of dinner, as in the cliche, a crude business plan had been scratched out on a napkin. After many, many sleepless nights later, ireserve has become a reality. is the Internet�s most comprehensive reservations and appointments booking engine. provides individuals the ability to book and confirm a variety of appointments, offers its merchants a new marketing channel and revenue opportunity, and is poised to become the Internet�s one-stop reservations and appointments destination.

Also See: IPegasus Processed 2.1 Million Online Reservations vs 750,000 in 1998 / Feb 2000 
Zagat Survey and Co-branding a Website for Free Online Restaurant Reservations / Feb 2000
IPaul L. Westra Joins; Will Focus on Building the Company�s B2B Division for Restaurant Clients / April 2000 

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