Hotel Online 
Special Report

Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals Up 11.2% 
for 9 Months 1999
Long-Haul Visitor Arrivals Show Major Rebound
HONG KONG - Oct. 29, 1999--All major markets recorded healthy growth in September, with long-haul markets in particular showing a major rebound, according to figures released today by the Hong Kong Tourist Association (HKTA).

Total arrivals for September reached 829,541 -- up 13% on September 1998, while the cumulative figure is 7,727,874, representing a growth rate of 11.2%.

Business traffic to Hong Kong increased due to the return of investor confidence in Asia, and there were also increases in the number of visitors from long-haul markets attending major trade fairs/conferences and exhibitions.

Trade and consumer promotional activities held in most markets earlier in the year, and highly competitive air fares and packages, also played important roles in lifting arrivals figures for the start of Hong Kong�s traditional peak tourism season.

Visitor arrivals from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific rose by 13.8%; Europe, Africa and the Middle East, by 9.2%, and the Americas by 8.9%.

The short-haul markets continue to perform well, with South and Southeast Asia showing 22.9% growth and mainland China and North Asia up 15.1% and 7.6% respectively.  Apart from Japan, individual regional markets all showed double digit growth.  There were no indications that the earthquake in Taiwan on September 21 had much impact on outbound traffic.  The number of visitors from Taiwan reached 156,261, a growth of 15.6%.

Executive Director Amy Chan said these most encouraging results at the start of the third quarter prompted the HKTA to comfortably adjust its 1999 forecast to 10.4 million visitor arrivals.

�Our half-year forecasts are based on consultations with overseas trade through the HKTA�s offices worldwide and with representatives from various sectors of the Hong Kong travel and tourism industry.  The quarterly forecasts are, however, subject to regular revision and reflect the latest situations in the various markets,� Chan added.

In revising these forecasts, the HKTA takes into account the current currency rates; the economic outlook and political situations of source markets; competition from regional, domestic and potential destinations; airline seat capacity between Hong Kong/mainland China and source markets; projected outbound travel from source markets, and market performances of visitor arrivals in 1999.

The hotel occupancy rate of 80% reflected September�s positive results, being four percentage points greater than for the same month last year.  The occupancy rate for the period January to December 1999 stands at 78%, also four percentage points up on 1998.


Hong Kong Tourist Association
Lillibeth Bishop / Diana Budiman
310/208-0233 x265 / 212/421-3382 x234
Also See Visitor Numbers to Hong Kong, Hotel Occupancy Continue Strong Growth / April 1999 
Hong Kong's Average Hotel Occupancy Rate for December 1998 was 81%, Up from just 69% in December 1997 / Jan 1999 

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