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Special Report

Watson, RM� Offers Unique Labor Management Tools for the Hospitality Industry
DALLAS�December 18, 1999�In today�s volatile labor market, hospitality businesses are facing tougher challenges to deliver maximum profits while balancing the lifestyle demands of their staff, both in terms of time off and maximum earnings per shift.  To help take the guesswork out of scheduling, Dallas-based UniFocus is offering Watson, RM� , a new management software program to assist businesses in significantly lowering labor costs, increasing operational efficiencies, fostering dynamic employee scheduling and measurably impacting profitability. 

UniFocus� Watson, RM� software offers restaurants, hotels and service-oriented businesses �cluster� scheduling, or the ability to schedule staff in multiple locations within close proximity or in multiple positions throughout an operation.  The system schedules staff based on changes in business volume and business specific operating standards enabling an operation to fully realize the benefits of flex scheduling. 

�With labor being in such short supply, Watson is one of the key operating systems that enables management to improve productivity and optimize the use of their available labor resources, said Mark Heymann, managing partner of UniFocus.  �The use of Watson helps an organization �right staff� which positively impacts profitability, employee retention and increases the amount of time supervisory and management staff can spend interacting with customers and helping employees be more successful.�

The Watson, RM software achieves results through easy-to-use computer software that forecasts, plans and schedules labor.  Additionally, Watson, RM assists in budgeting and setting service quality standards. 

UniFocus has built a proven track record of reducing the impact that labor shortages have on operations while ensuring service delivery that meets restaurant and hospitality standards. 
Watson, RM� is made up of four modules, each with a specific role in the process of managing labor.

  • Forecaster - Analyzes historical patterns to accurately predict future business volume for the upcoming schedule period.  (It is a self-learner, using multiple forecasting methodologies.)
  • Planner � Provides the essential framework for accurate planning and evaluation of labor.  (It calculates labor requirements by day and time, based on operating standards, customer demand and business volume.) 
  • Scheduler � Automatically schedules all employees based on labor requirements, employee skills, availability and contractual restraints.  (It cross-utilizes staff and drastically reduces the amount of time managers spend scheduling employees.)
  • Budgeter � A tool to prepare period and annual labor budgets.  (It uses established labor standards to develop a budget that links directly to key business indicators.)
UniFocus ensures the successful implementation of Watson, RM through software, training and standards consultation.  The process not only focuses on technical aspects, but also on the operational changes and non-technical skills that are required for the successful use of the system. 
UniFocus Fact Sheet
UniFocus, one of the most comprehensive performance management firms in the hospitality industry, offers full-service operational management analysis, systems, information and training to assist the hospitality industry in reaching optimum staff performance, guest satisfaction and asset value. 

Based in Dallas, Texas and serving the hospitality industry in the U.S. and overseas, UniFocus offers unrivaled comparative guest data from more than 3,000 hotels monthly and employee data from more than 300,000 employees annually.  Gathering more information from more hotels in more countries than anyone else, UniFocus easily correlates and benchmarks each client�s performance against the competition. 

With a combination of leading-edge technology, experienced hotel and restaurant industry consultants, and proprietary comparative data, UniFocus represents the next generation of balanced performance management systems and processes. 

Unifocus Offers the following solution - oriented services: 

GUESTScope ensures that clients know what their customers are thinking.  Using pro-active card-based systems, direct mail, E-mail, interactive voice response (IVR) and other collection methods, UniFocus helps their clients understand the strengths, weaknesses and areas of risk within their operation.  These systems ensure that UniFocus�s clients receive statistically reliable information that can be used by individual properties and corporate staff to make informed, fact-based decisions. 

STAFFScope lets clients know what employees are really thinking.  UniFocus helps management lower turnover and boost service quality by improving communications with the staff.  These processes allow a company to keep a regular pulse on the attitudes and opinions of their most valuable and diverse resource � their employees. 

SERVIScope help clients confirm that they are delivering service that is consistent with the delivery standards that are the foundation of the customer satisfaction process.  After conducting a property review, UniFocus compares the findings with guest responses and other performance indicators to develop a blueprint for improvement. 

CUSTOMERScope site analysis and marketing system defines profitable target markets that helps clients identify their customer, their customers� expectations, service deficiencies and solutions to reach optimum guest satisfaction and operating performance.  By linking customer satisfaction to �lifestyle characteristics,� clients are able to focus on how to retain their most valuable customers, as well as grow their markets with customers who have a high probability of being retained.  Additionally, this process creates a proprietary statistical site model used to accurately forecast the sales potential of new store locations and locate top target customers in relation to proposed locations, ensuring high performance. 

UniFocus� Watson, R.M. software allows client organizations to significantly improve control of labor costs, increase operational efficiencies, foster dynamic employee scheduling and measurably impact profitability. Watson, R.M. achieves these results through easy-to-use computer software that forecasts, plans and schedules labor.  Additionally, Watson, R.M. assists in budgeting, setting service quality standards and most importantly it optimizes the use of labor in a tight labor market. 

UniFocus� Consulting Services offer unparalleled industry experience to help clients develop and maintain effective management practices.  UniFocus has a proven track record of reducing the impact of labor shortages on operations while ensuring service delivery that meets customer expectations. 

UniFocus offers expertly designed Management and Supervisory Development Training, which addresses the issue of attracting, developing and retaining a satisfied, effective workforce.  This is done by providing tools such as selective interviewing skills, custom-designed standards of performance manuals, on-the-job operational skills training, behavioral and attitudinal standards development and problem solving/decision-making exercises.  The key focus of these developmental processes is real world application that ensures performance improvements.


John Coolidge
3150 Premier Drive, Suite 120
Irving, Texas 75063
Phone:  972-751-7800 ext. 206
E-mail: [email protected]
Also See UniFocus and Customer Survey Technologies Merge to Create Hospitality Industry's Largest Performance Management Firm / Jan 1999 
Five Mirage Resorts, Inc. Properties Go Live With Baan Company's CODA-Financials / Nov 1998 
Staff Scheduling and Minimizing Payroll Expenses / Kirby D. Payne, CHA 

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