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A First Person's Perspective of their Experience at a Hotel that Has a Properly
Integrated Dynamic Digital Signage
Hotel Lobbies, Meeting and Guest Rooms - How They Can Work for You

By Andrew Hoffman, May 2009

In the hospitality world, guests are king. In the Digital Signage world, content and integration is king. When melded together, the hotel experience is novel instead of ordinary. It all starts in the lobby when the guest walks through the door and checks in.

The following is a first person's perspective of their experience at a hotel that has a properly integrated Dynamic Digital Signage (DDS) network.

The first thing that is noticed is a screen with sharp and crisp imagery dazzling your senses. Second, is an attention grabbing animation that features the hotel's restaurant. "I didn't realize that they had a restaurant here, how convenient? That steak looks so good and what a great price, I think I'll eat at the hotel tonight!"

Below the restaurant animation is the hotel's event schedule. The meeting that you came to attend has changed meeting space since the time you have received your itinerary. "That's good to know" you think to yourself. The last thing you want is to be wandering around the next day looking for the correct room and burning up precious networking time. Ah, the things that you learn before you even walk up to the counter to check in.

Once you check in and get to your room, it's time to get dressed for dinner. While dressing it's only natural to turn on the TV. "What's this? It's welcoming me by name! It has my company's logo, since that's the reason why I'm here. And it has my meeting agenda right on the screen. Now I'm curious!" Navigation is very simple. Click by click and the HD menu displays what appeals to you most. One click enables you to order your favorite meal right on the TV and have it delivered directly to your room. The decision is made to order room service instead of going down to eat, "Maybe tomorrow" you reason with yourself as you peruse the rest of the options on the screen.

"Movies look interesting. How about that! These movies are still in the theater. This movie is getting rave reviews and I've wanted to see it but I had to come to this meeting instead. I think I'll have dinner and a movie right here in my room!"

While waiting on the food to arrive, you start to unpack. The white dress shirt that was needed for this meeting isn't here! To no avail! A "Shopping" button on your TV screen allures even the frugal to click on it. Here is everything that you need including shirts! And there is an option to have it delivered right to your room!

Let's just say that dinner and a movie was a great hit and you plan on doing it again the next evening but it's morning and it's time to attend the business meeting. After rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, with paperwork in hand, you head toward your destination, Ballroom 203.

While you are walking down the hall to your meeting space it is noticed that the other meeting room screens are featuring a lunch special at the hotel restaurant; Chicken Potpie that looks like it is to die for. "I'll order that this afternoon," you say with stern resolution.

Ah! Ballroom 203. There isn't an ad playing here. It's a notification message. "XYZ meeting has been moved to the Grand Ballroom 227 due to space constraints." "That's right! I remember, they moved the space" Just around the corner you find the Grand Ballroom and this time the screen says "Grand Ballroom 227 - XYZ Inc. "How to sell more XYZ'mabobs" 10:00AM - 5:00PM" Of course this is placed on top of the XYZ logo� a perfect fit.

The meeting is a hit and your department is ahead by 12%!

Make them King

Yes, the guests are king, and what makes them feel like a king is up to you, it's all about having the right tools. In this case, products, and services that back those products provide a two-fold advantage. You get a Return On Objectives (ROO) and Return On Investment (ROI).

Now we will look at the previous scenario from the hotel's perspective.

  • Since the DDS screens were installed in your lobby there is a noticed improvement in restaurant sales. The guests are more informed.
  • Adding DDS screens behind your counter drastically reduces perceived wait time for your guests.
  • We all know that we don't like asking for directions, especially if we're in a hurry and a well-implemented DDS network will help your guests save face during their "kingship".
We have just identified getting ROO from you DDS network. ROO also comes by using that same DDS network to brand your hotel even further as compared to de-branding it with a wrinkled piece of paper being used as a way finder. ROO is usually overlooked in implementing a DDS network since most are only interested in the ROI. One thing to remember is the ROO is the most powerful tool a hotel can put at their disposal.

ROI is achieved by the available ad space on digital signage and in-room TV. How handy to see a hotel's preferred Limousine Company and the nearby Museum advertising space on your DDS network. Ah! Now the DDS network is working for your pocket. In the end this makes you king.

Other Revenue Creation Ideas

As meetings are booked offer to place a company's logo on the meeting room's screen for "just an additional $30". Before you know it, the meeting room screens have paid for themselves in months and not years, not including the ad space they offer.

What about in the hotel room? Why not make some extra 'green stuff' every time a brand new HD Hollywood movie is clicked on to watch or when the Internet is used on the TV.

The in-room TV advertising even works for you if there is no occupancy in that room since "Amenities" are provided to the guests as local attractions that have paid to have the "ad" on your in-room service screens.

Note that guests don't get charged for everything. There is in-room free-to-guest offerings which include free PC gaming and television all in HD!

There are so many ways to make your guest feel like a king while you sit on the treasure by installing a well integrated DDS network that meets your objectives and at the same time, adds vitality to your property.

Andrew Hoffman is Vice President of Noventri, a digital signage solutions company, and he has been in the DDS and broadcast industry for over 13 years. Andrew can be reached at [email protected]


Judy L. Hoffman
[email protected]




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