Hotel Online  Special Report



Letter to the Editor - 
Video Provided to ABC Primetime

September 26, 2003

Mr. R. Randall Rollins, Chairman
Mr. Gary W. Rollins, CEO, President and COO
Rollins, Inc.
2170 Piedmont Road, NE
Atlanta, GA  30324

Dear. Misseurs Rollins:

I was stunned to see that Orkin had provided video to ABC News Primetime denigrating an industry with so much potential business for your company.

After this I would never allow one of my hotels to use your company.  I just could not be sure when information from my hotels might be used to hurt my business and that of my peers.

While certainly any infestation in a building is bad, bed bugs are a very rare occurrence.  Your company�s promotion of it as a problem in the consumer media is certainly not going to get you more business.  I was told several months ago that your Public Relations staff was also promoting this same story to the print press.  From a marketing perspective you would have been better served having your line employees working with individual hotels to see if they have the problem and working in a positive way to correct it.

I have regular opportunities to speak to my peers in various settings.  I am going to take some of those opportunities to share my view about Orkin�s actions with them and caution them about how you might use information from their hotels in your shameless self-promotion.

With Sincerity,

Kirby D. Payne, CHA
American Hospitality Management Company


American Hospitality Management Company
Kirby D. Payne, CHA
1500 South Highway 100, #375 
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: 763-591-7640 Fax: 763-591-1593
email: [email protected]

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