Hotel Online  Special Report

Leading Global Search Firm �Lotus Hospitality
International� Launches New Website
Orlando, Florida � May 29, 2003 - Frederic Elzarki, President and Founder of Lotus Hospitality International, is happy to announce the release of the company�s new Flash Point Web Site ( After months of research and design, the focus was to develop a user-friendly site with useful information, which is concise, to the point, and benefits both our clients as well as applicants. Ease of navigation and information download was key to the website design. We took into consideration the limited amount of time people in general have to spend reading elaborate websites.

Potential hospitality clients want to be able to access the information right away and know what the service fees are as well as the warranty periods and also know whom we work with on a global basis. Candidates look for career guidance and many times are not familiar with the search process and relationship they can establish with an executive search firm. Both, clients and candidates can easily print our online brochures presented in Adobe Acrobat reader format for easy retrieval. 

LHI is an US (Florida) based global search company, which provides select search services to the luxury hospitality industry. LHI was founded to provide hospitality executives with a service that is different and based on values such as integrity, quality and empathy. We strive to offer the best in professional recruitment and search, as well as unparalleled ethical standards, backed by over 14 years of experience.

LHI views its role as a partnership with its clients, committed to select the best available talent through its global networking and the best fit for organizations. LHI�s advanced database contains a select number of qualified candidates with varied international backgrounds.

Lotus Hospitality International
1502 North Donnelly Street
Suite 108
Mt. Dora (Orlando), FL 32757
Phone: 1-352-735-7788
Fax: 1-352-735-7688
Email: [email protected]
 Web Site:


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