Hotel Online  Special Report

   Hotel Technology
Survey 2003
Over the last nine months in conjunction with Hotel Asia Pacific, we have been collecting voluntary data from Hoteliers all over the world. They have kindly taken time out to complete what we feel is probably the most comprehensive survey on the use and attitudes towards technology in the hospitality industry. 

Preferring to stay independent, we have not formed any opinions regarding the results which are in many cases extremely interesting, and enlightening - we prefer to leave the drawing of conclusions to yourself, and for you to judge the results based upon your own personal circumstances. Some of the lists are long and I have intentionally left them so in order that you may get a true picture as to how the market views technology from an operational and adoption perspective.

I believe this information will be of use to operators and vendors, and I sincerely hope the publication of such will be of benefit to the industry as a whole.

Where percentages are not shown there have been multiple choice responses and these are shown in alphabetical order. 

Tell us about you, and your property
Attitudes towards technology
About the technology in your property
Your staff
The internet, reservations and web sites
Marketing and positioning through technology
Tell us about you, and your property

Your property; 
60% Hotel (City) 
20% Resort 
18% Other 
2% Service Apartments 

How many saleable units do you have? 
40% 100-300 
25% 300-500 
20% 1,000+ 
7% 50-100 
6% 600-800 
2% 800-1,000 

What is the average Age of your guests? 
34% 35-40 
34% 40-50 
15% I have absolutely no idea 
15% That's a good question 
2% 50+

What is Your Role?
36% Other 
25% General Manager 
18% IT Department 
12% Sales and Marketing 
5% Rooms Division 
3% Accountant 
1% F&B Manager 

What age range are you in? 
33% 31-40
28% 41-50 
21% 50+ 
18% 20-30 

What is your ALOS � Average Length of Stay?
36% 2.5 nights 
18% 3 nights 
16% 1.5 nights 
15% 2 nights 
7% 4 nights 
5% 5 nights 
3% above 5 nights 

What is your average room rate per night exclusive of Breakfast, Service and Tax? 
38% under US$100 
16% US$150-175 
12% US$125-150 
10% Greater than US$300 
9% US$200-250 
9% US$100-125 
6% US$175-200 

When was the last time you authorized a capital purchase that was Technologyrelated and over US$1,000?
I cannot approve these items - it has to go through the owner 
I have never approved these 
US$1,000 is over my approval limit 

At what level do you consider your own technical skills to be? 
My kids are better at this stuff than me 
My staff are more IT proficient than me 

Have you ever attended a training course for any of the IT components in your property? 
72% Yes
28% No 

Do you feel that you have a good grasp of the technology in your property?
71% Yes 
27% Somewhat 
2% No 

If asked, I could list ALL the technology items in my property.
62% Yes 
26% May take me some time 
12 % FALSE

Do you use a PDA?
55% Yes / and it�s great / but not very much
45% No / it�s a waste / I�m going to buy one 

Do any of your team members use a PDA? 
73% Yes / One or two / Many 
27% No / No - but I wish they did (it would help them be more organized)

Do you browse the web
For stock-market trading 
Just for fun 
Looking for a job 
Looking for industry news 
My kids are better at it than me 
Yes - at the office and at home 
Yes - only at home 
Yes - primarily in the office 

Do you use an Instant Messaging system?
All of my Department Heads have it on their PCs, and I use it to communicate with them 
AOL Instant Messenger / ICQ / MSN / Other
For Personal use
For work 
I find it useful 
I use it to chat with friends and family 
It annoys me, and I see no real benefit 
What is this? 

Do you read HOTEL Asia Pacific?
72% No 
28% Yes 

Do you read any online hotel related publications? 
70% Yes � daily 
27% Occasionally 
3% No 

Have you ever visited a hotel technology show like HITEC? 
40% Yes 
30% No 
23% Not yet - but I would like to - I think it would be a good idea 
5% No, but I send someone 

Have you ever participated in a business discussion outside of your property and company with regards technology? 
76% Yes 
24% No 

What type of internet connection do you use at home? 
40% Dial Up Line 
30% Cable Modem 
20% ADSL 
6% Wired 
2% I don�t use the internet at home 
2% Wireless 

Do you use the internet while traveling such as for doing email? 
98% Yes 
2% No 

Have you ever used a HSIA (High speed internet access) while staying in a Hotel that is NOT your own? 
45% No 
34% Yes, and it was good 
15 % Yes, but it was nothing special 
4% It was expensive 
2% I have never stayed in a hotel that had such a facility

Have you ever purchased anything over the internet?
80% Yes 
13% I don't know what all the fuss is about  - it was easy and very helpful 
 5% I wanted to - but did not feel secure 
2% No 

Do you have an online money-market or share trading facility?
48% No 
52% Yes

Do you have a mobile phone? 
I encourage staff to call me if there is a problem 
I hate receiving work calls outside of office hours 
I never use it 
Its a great tool and helps me stay in control 
Its an encroachment on my private life 
The number IS NOT printed on my business card 
The number IS printed on my business card 

As a GM or Manager, do you prepare your own letters on a PC, or do you get help? 
78% I do it myself 
15% I have no problem with this, and it adds to my efficiency (and saves cost) 
5% Depends on the complexity, sometimes I start and then someone helps me with formatting 
1% I firstly dictate into a machine and someone else does it 
1% I hate it - but have no choice

Since my property installed an email facility, I find yourself working;
All the time 
More efficiently 
Same as before 

Do you get frustrated if your emails are not answered immediately, or within 30 minutes to one hour? 
65% No 
30% Yes/YES !! 
5% I get anxious

When was the last time you looked at your company website? 
40% Today 
20% Couple of days ago 
20% Last Month 
7% Yesterday 
5% Two weeks ago 
3% That�s someone else�s job 
2% We don�t have one 
2% WOW-Long time ago 
1% Never

Attitudes towards Technology

What three things do you hate most about technology? 
Ability to interface with existing equipment 
Advertised benefits rarely materialize (cell phone coverage areas, for example). 
Applications that don't do what they say they will or won't do it the way they say they will 
ASP Providers Don't Talk to Each Other-each one has own own angle and business agenda 
At times it feels as though it consumes your life, cell phones, e-mail, voice mail, pagers! How does one get away from it all! 
Becomes obsolete too quickly. 
Bugs & compatibility software & hardware problems 
Bugs in the system 
Buying a product and finding out that it is outdated within a month 
Can get extremely complicated if not managed properly 
Cannot afford to keep "up to date" 
Changes every day 
Comparison shopping is difficult and time consuming 
Computer crashes 
Conflicts between software/vendors 
Constant maintenance that is required 
Constant Upgrades 
Cost so much 
Cost to upgrade or change older dos programs to window programs 
Cost, Cost, Cost. 
Customers have limited knowledge of high tech items 
Different versions of the same product with a varying price tag but only has one or two small changes. 
Doesn't necessarily save time and certainly doesn't save money 
Down time! 
Downtime can be very annoying to our customers 
Duplication of hardware 
Email advertisements. 
End-to-end business process missing in hospitality tools 
Equipment that does not work correctly/service persons who are not helpful 
Ever changing
Everything has to be NOW
Expectation of an immediate response
Explaining how it works and the potential benefits to superiors. 
Hardware becomes obsolete 
Having a hard time to cope with progress. What is the most advanced today will be obsolete within a year. 
Help lines are always congested 
High cost to upgrade technology and need to do it constantly 
High investment cost 
Hospitalities resistance to moving forward with the technology times 
Hotels that do not have e-mail addresses for sales people 
How fast it changes...too fast for corporations to do a thorough cost/benefit  analysis.  By the time the capital expenditure's approved, newer better tech has already come out! 
How quickly it becomes outdated 
I don't hate anything about technology itself, but as far as hotels are concerned: It's frustrating to me that the majority of hoteliers don't understand how important having
High Speed Internet Access is to the decision-making process of a growing number of business traveler's.  To add to that, offering Wireless Internet Access to the Public Areas, Lounge, Meeting Rooms, Sleeping Rooms, etc, gives a business traveler the ability to move freely about the hotel, rather than being tied to their hotel room (where they will have a more difficult time spending their $).  While this technology is not new, the infrastructure that allows for this convenience, has finally caught up to the idea itself.   If I have to stay at a hotel that doesn't have High-speed access, I  will search for a hotel in the area that has this access to spend my money for dinner, drinks, etc. 
I don�t have enough time to learn all of the new programs/software 
I hate not being able to take care of problems myself, we have an IT manager on  property that is supposed to be called first.  Just takes more time. 
I like being in control and not depending on the "atmosphere" 
I spend to much time on the computer 
I'm hooked to it but my capital budget does not allow me to improve my technology as much as wish. 
Incompatibility of older DOS programs with windows era networks. 
Increased expectations of due dates, sending information, project completion or   workloads in general due to assumed efficiencies. 
Is there security or privacy? 
It allows companies move projects forward before they think all the way through the  process 
It changes so quickly its hard to stay on top of it 
It costs way too much 
It creates work 
It generates too much data and not enough information
It generates too much paperwork 
It gets outdated quickly 
It improves way to fast making it hard for me to justify purchases! 
It is constantly changing 
It is impersonal 
It is mostly Ugly - Technology needs to be made some it blends in with decor 
It is never as reliable as you wish it to be 
It provides almost too much information. 
It provides such a tremendous volume of information, I think it leads us to over  analyzing the data, and making too many decisions based on micro information, rather than the big picture 
It ties up my life at all the wrong times! 
Its ability to interface with other disciplines effectively 
It's always changing 
It's changing so fast, difficult (or impossible) to catch up. 
It's lifetime is too short. One year on the desktop and the machine is out dated 
Junk Email 
Knowing the best solution to get involved with due to the constant change. 
Lack of hardware, software and communication equipment specialized for the hospitality industry!!! Lack of high speed available at hotels and in many areas in the U.S. 
Lack of integration 
Lack of money 
Lack of open architecture design of software for cross platform communication. 
Lack of support 
Lack of training
Lack of true communication standards 
Learning curve can be lengthy 
Long waits for service on help desks. 
Loss of documents 
Managing IT systems/GDS systems/internet booking channels, takes time that I should be spending with guests and staff 
Manuals which cannot be read by normal people 
Need to manually backup 
Never enough 
New program information is often not explained clearly for a non-specialist 
Not as user friendly 
Not as user friendly 
Not clear as to the demands/required for proper use 
Not user friendly 
Often easier to do it the old way 
One becomes completely dependant on computers and software. There seems to be no alternative 
PC�s that crash 
People are too dependant on it 
People can be losing the fun aspect of using technology 
People that do not keep up with it 
Poor orientation and training tools 
Product that doesn't work! 
Programs that are not compatible 
Reliance upon it when systems do not work. 
Screens distract from people 
Seems as soon as you have something, there is now something better (and cheaper) 
server down 
Short product life cycles requiring constant re-investment for the same net results. 
Slow connection to corporate network in NYC 
Software interfaces with operating systems troublesome 
Software that crashes 
Software that hasn't had the bugs worked out of it. 
Software upgrades 
Some products not being user friendly or compatible with other programs 
Some suppliers are very confusing and tend to sell things that very few Hotels need unless you have a strong IT support in your hotel. 
Some technical problems which is beyond my knowledge and ability 
Sometimes the manuals are too large to think of reading 
Spam e mail that you cannot get rid of 
Still too many things to learn
Teaching new areas to people who don't want to learn 
Tech/vendor support
Technology should be intuitive and easy to use without requiring hours of training and tome-sized manuals 
That no one in my organization gets it! 
The areas I do not know enough about and trying to talk to vendors about it 
The cost to revamp Legacy Systems 
The curve. Early adopters - big risk & high price- but high rewards,       Main Stream -  low risk & price - but now everyone has it, Matured - low risk & price  - but now it is almost obsolete 
The disconnect between operational needs and the product offerings of many tech vendors 
The growing amount of unwanted emails 
The move to greater technology, the prevalence of overpaid IT departments with no human interaction skills, and the ubiquity of the internet have drastically reduced internal and external customer service levels in every industry to the point where bad customer service is now seen as the standard and no customer service is a close second 
The number of options - Too many products that are similar in nature promoting themselves 
The promise of technology exceeds what it can deliver. 
The resistance of companies to upgrade and take advantage of the technical changes that are available 
The time that needs to be invested, usually outside of paid work hours, to keep up on new programs or systems only to find them obsolete or updated again in 1-2 years 
There are no standards out there. It does not all work together. 
Things are constantly changing.  Which is a good thing, however that means we need to be constantly educated 
To be up date 
To many new items on market 
To Slow 
Today it is in vogue, tomorrow it is obsolete 
Too Costly 
Too Expensive 
Too fast out of date 
Too many new items on market 
Too many separate systems with few quality interfaces 
Too many sources to check (three separate e-mails, three voicemails, instant  messaging, etc.) 
Too much data and not meaningful information 
Training people who don't believe in it 
Training staff to properly use it 
Trash emails 
Trying to connect all things together 
Trying to Keep up with the constant  changes 
Upgrading PC software carries the risk of destroying the old system that was "ok." 
Velocity of change in the discipline - hard to keep up with 
Very time consuming and not user friendly 
We now receive too many e-mails and too many attachments 
Web sites that are not intuitive and user friendly 
When it crashes 
When it does not go right 
When it hangs and can't get it going 
When something goes wrong I cannot fix it myself 
When the system crashes and you haven't saved or cannot retrieve your hard work, these minor details cost a lot of time to be wasted!
While variety of products is good, it has disadvantages.  With the various options available, there are situations where different physical locations within the same company might use different applications.  It can be challenging. 
Windows operating system 
You can't keep up!! 
You must always have experts around you 
You must stay up to date 
Your systems become outdated quickly 

What do you see as the real benefits of technology?
A place to burn money 
Better analysis 
Better inventory management (Rooms, Fixed Assets, Food, Beverage, Consumables) 
Consistent operation 
Cost savings 
Demographics on guests 
Faster access to information 
Guest History 
Helps staff spend more time with guests 
I am not sure there are any 
It's a tool, and when used effectively it helps run and control the business 
Less dependence on people 
Save staff and payroll 
Sometimes, I feel we're better off doing it by hand 
Streamlines the operation 
To some extent it gives us a marketing edge 

What would you regard as the FIVE most important IT components in your property?
Accounting System 
Back up generator 
Call Accounting System 
Door Locks 
Energy Management 
Fire and Emergency Systems
HR System 
IN-Room Entertainment 
Internet or Web Reservations System
Inventory System 
Sales and Catering 
The PC on my desk 
Yield/Revenue Management System 

If you could have ONE item of technology in your property (regardless of cost) what would it be?
Hmmm ???? 
50� flat screen monitor 
A centralized server for my Property Management Systems. 
A color copier
A high speed wireless network 
A new POS system 
A totally interfaced computer system (without any breakdowns) that serves all areas of the hotel (Front Office, Sales & Catering, Purchasing, F & B, etc.) 
A work flow management system 
An integrated PMS that controls reservations, front office, housekeeping, call accounting, etcetera and the associated appropriate hardware. 
An integrated system which I can use for internet access, voice mail, data management and project management as well as office applications 
Automated revenue management software 
Bio-metric sensors for room security and energy management 
Business Center 
Central reservations system 
Check in/out kiosk to eliminate having a person at the front desk for the full 8 hours  during night audit hours 
Complete interface/link of all PM systems including retail, golf and F&B outlets in order to produce a unified view of total revenue produced by each individual guest.  It is a misconception to think that every guest signs every charge over to the guestroom folio 
Complete wireless two way communication, from cell phones to pagers, etc. 
Conference center related 
Electronic function book 
Electronic locks 
Energy management system 
Faster connections for all PC users - guests and hotel together. 
Faster internet access 
Faster Internet Connection & Quick access through TV 
Fiber optic network 
Full SAP system
Guest history program/database for recording requests for future guests visits and mailing of information/news 
High speed internet access 
High speed computer 
high speed internet in meeting and guest rooms 
High Speed Internet access in all guestrooms 
High speed wireless internet access 
HR Lawson system 
Instant messaging 
LCD monitors 
Monitors at the breakfast table that let me order my food at my convenience. Thus reducing the need for servers (food runners will be needed), and, if implemented correctly, expediting my order. 
Multimedia pc 
My PC 
New cabling and system audit 
New door locks 
New Property Management System 
Not sure, we don't have any "technology" items missing that we need. 
Optical scanner 
Pc's all on network, with hotel's main functions all integrated and connected to the outside world via high speed connection 
PDA communicators for management of all departments. Especially Maintenance and  Housekeeping.  Better Energy control systems.
Real time instant package bookings 
Revenue Management Applications 
Revenue Management System 
Secure wireless network of phones and computers 
Some Good In room Technology for the Guest 
Tech lab w/ different company's we can use the one that benefits each individual property 
The best available person to run it 
Top of the art laptop 
Top of the line PDA's for all key management 
Total integration of all departments, instant guest history 
Totally integrated system to include, front of house, heart of house, BC and guest rooms 
Totally integrated pms/pos/accounting/payroll/phone/activies software 
Tourist guide on PC at lobby 
Unlimited high speed internet access 
We have everything that we need or get it in regards to technology 
Web based reservations 
Web-cams for security 
Wireless capabilities for all departments, F&B, accounting, Front Office, guest rooms, etc., etc... 
Wireless communication system 
Wireless everywhere for computers 
Wireless LAN 
Wireless network throughout the hotel. 
Wireless, on the go PDA check-in 
WLAN for clients 
Yield/ Rev management system 

Does the Owner of your property believe in the benefits technology can deliver? 
43% Yes 
26% Yes, and is willing to spend money on it providing there is a reasonable RoI
24% Yes, but only up to a point - it's really tough to go beyond the absolute essentials 
6% No, and never will 
1% No 

If your owner said you could have US$100,000 to spend on anything you wanted (within reason) what would you (as GM) choose? 
Absolutely no idea 
Build or renovate the Health Club 
Buy a new car or hotel bus 
Do something else that is NOT technology related 
Fix the pool 
Forget it - it will never happen - would be totally shocked at that response 
Interactive Marketing - such as Hotel web site, cd-rom, eNewsletters etc. 
New Coffee Shop 
New Lobby
New uniforms 
Overhaul the Air-conditioning System 
Re-decorate the outside of the property 
Renovate Rooms 
Shampoo the carpets 
Spend it on updating some new Technology items 
Update Functions Rooms 
Update the Business Centre 

About the Technology in your property

Do you charge guests for local phone calls?
60% Yes
30% No 
10% Some guests

For IDD calls - how do you charge?
Flat charge on top of the phone company 
Same as billed by the phone company 
Small % increase on top of the phone company 
Something much more complicated 

Has your guest telephone revenue (irrespective of occupancy) decreased over the last 12-24 months? 
58% Yes 
15% Very significantly 
15% No 
11% Not significantly 
1% Yes, and I don�t understand why 

Do you have any LCD or similar type of electronic display panels in public areas? 
50% No
25% Yes 
15% We are thinking about it 
10% I wish we did 

Do your guest rooms have electronic door locks? 
80% Yes
20% No (Some are in process of installing) 

Do you have a Business Centre?
74% Yes 
26% No 

What are the hours of operation (Business Centre)?
40% 24-Hours (7 days) 
27% 07:00 - 20:00 seven days per week 
19% 09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday 
14% 07:00 - 20:00 Monday to Friday

Do you have any wireless applications running in your property? 
45% Yes 
36% No 
15% No / We are thinking about it / Will do soon
3% I think it's too expensive and we cannot justify the cost against potential benefits 
1% I don't see the point

Do you offer HSIA (High Speed Internet Access)? 
55% Yes 
34% No 
11% We plan to 

Do you charge for HSIA? 
75% Yes 
22% No 
3% Sometimes we do � depends on the guest 

How many people use the service per day as a percentage of occupied rooms?
36% 5-10% 
26% 1-5% 
16% 10-15%
13% 15-30% 
9% 30-50% 

Do you feel that the percentage of HSIA users would increase if the system were free?
60% Yes 
20% Definitely it would - everyone likes it, but they don't want to pay 
10% No 
10% Not sure 

Even if you don't have it, do you believe that HSIA should be a free-to-guest amenity? 
69% Yes
20% No, it's a premium service, and if guests want to use it, they should pay 
9% No
2% Yes, but I cannot because I am bound by a contract 

Do you have an empty and accessible power socket within 2-feet of the bed? 
86% Yes
14% No

Do you have a modem or data socket in the room separate to the phone socket? 
56% Yes 
32% Its part of the phone unit 
12% No / we are planning to

What is the maximum dial-up speed for modem access in your rooms? 
61% 56Kbps 
21% 28Kbps 
12% 31Kbps 
4% Never Tested 
2% 19.2Kbps 

If your guests have (internet) connection problems, who do they call? 
Anyone who can speak their language (techno-speak)
Assistant Manager 
Front Office 
Guest Services 
Technology Concierge 
The HSIA vendor 

Do you believe Male guests are more techno-savvy than Female guests? 
37% No 
26% Yes 
16% I have no idea 
11% Definitely not 
10% I refuse to answer the question 

Have your guests complained about light levels in the room?
54% No 
30% Yes, too dark
16% I don't believe so 

What percentage of your guests do you believe carry a notebook computer with them?
35% 20-40% 
17% 50%+ 
14% 5-10% 
13% 10-20% 
8% 50%
7% 1-5%
2% Less than 1% 
4% No idea

If your guest is a Business Traveler, would you say there is a good possibility that they will carry a PDA? 
90% Yes 
10% No

Your Staff 

For your staff who are connected to the internet, can they browse all web pages, or are they restricted for the pages they can visit? 
50% Open system 
34% Restricted 
11% I encourage them to surf the net and learn - within reason 
4% No Idea 
1% No one has access except me 

What is the status of your IT Manager 
 56% Department Head 
26% Executive Team member 
18% Rank and File Staff 

Who does your MIS Manager immediately report to? 
35% Financial Controller 
29% General Manager 
21% Other 
8% No One 
5% Regional MIS Manager 
2% Engineering Manager 

Apart from your MIS Manager or a member of the MIS/IT team, who would you consider to be the most IT proficient person in your property? 
A/R Clerk 
Chief Engineer 
Director of Finance 
Front Office Manager 
Hard to say, several members of engineering staff are very good 
Me, frighteningly enough
Night Manager/ F O M/ 
Operations Manager 
PMS Manager 
Revenue Manager 
We have IT savvy pro�s in Front Office, Banquets and HR 

If your MIS Manager quit, do you have someone who can immediately fill the position? 
37% Sort of...we could get by for a while 
33% Yes 
30% No

Does your property have an IT Steering Committee?
70% No 
20% We should have one of these 
6% Yes 
3% We use a Consultant

The Internet, Reservations and Web Sites 

Do you have an internet or web based reservations system?
64% Yes (corporate) 
30% Yes In-house 
6% No 

Is your internet reservations system effective? 
70% Yes 
14% No / I think they are a waste of time, because for the best deals, people usually call the hotel directly 
10% Very 
5% Not sure, I need to check 
1% Definitely not 

Is the reservation system operating in real-time and giving auto-updates to the PMS? 
61% Yes 
19% No 
10% I wish it was 
10% It updates fairly quickly 

Do people making bookings receive instant confirmations? 
67% Yes 
12% We send by fax / regular mail 
11% No 
6% In about 30 minutes 
3% In 1-2 Days 
1% In 1-2 hours 

Do you have GDS access? 
70% Yes 
18% No 
5% Not sure 
4% What is this? 
3% Planning to 

Have you ever tested the reservation system and made a booking yourself? 
71% Yes 
20% No 
7% Someone else has, and it�s OK 
2% I am going to right now

In general - what is the average lead time for bookings? 
25% Over one week 
17% 7-days 
13% 5-days 
10% 3-days 
9% No idea 
7% 1-day 
6% 1-month 
6% 2-days 
4% 4-days 
3% Two weeks

Since September 11, has the lead time decreased? 
53% Yes 
22% No 
15% Not significantly 
10% September 11 has nothing to do with it - the lead time has reduced regardless 

Do your Room or F&B promotions either sent by letter or email have a call to action that leads them to your website? 
43% Yes 
21% No 
25% Yes � some 
11% No � that�s a good idea 

Marketing and Positioning Through Technology

From a guest perspective, do you feel that your property needs to be technologically superior to your competitors? 
73% Yes 
12% We are quite comfortable in our market position without having to be so 
6% We already Are 
9% No / I Don�t think so 

Do you envy another Hotel or related business in your city from a technology standpoint? 
40% No 
30% To some degree 
3% Yes, and it really bugs me because I can't do anything about it 
27% Yes 

Do you believe Technology can be used as a Business Driver to your property?
70% Yes 
7% I think they are more attracted by features like Health Club and Swimming
10% Yes, but not sure how that can be done 
6% People are more interested in location 
5% In our case - it would not be relevant 
1% Have not thought about it 
1% No, Pool

Do you receive guest feedback about the technology in your property?
34% Yes, constructive 
23% Yes, Positive 
18% No 
11% No - but it would certainly be helpful if we did 
8% No idea 
6% Yes, Negative 

Did you find the survey interesting? 
98% Yes / and it was thought provoking / to some degree 
2% No 

© [email protected] June 2003
Survey conducted with the help of


Terence Ronson
Managing Director
 2/F, 22 Stanley Mound Road, 
Stanley, Hong Kong SAR 
Telephone: +852 9468 0848 
Fax: +852 3010 0124
Email: [email protected]

Also See Are You a Tech-savvy Hotelier or Do You Belong to the Old-school of Hotel Has-beens - Take the IT Challenge Survey / Sept 2002
A General Manager's Response; Hotel Positioning: Customers Really Do Matter! / Terence Ronson / April 2003

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