Hotel Online  Special Report

Florida Officials Seek Hoteliers Help to Pass Statute
Preventing Solicitors with Fliers on Hotel Property
June 7, 2002 - I have a need for some information regarding the Hotel and Motel industry throughout the State of Florida. Locally here in Tampa, FL I deal with the Hillsborough County Hotel / Motel Association and we have a good working relationship and have worked together primarily with the concerns of trespassers and solicitors on the hotel / motel properties. 

Locally we have a problem with small restaurants / pizza businesses entering the properties of the hotels / motels and placing handbill / fliers on our under the room doors. This in itself creates a problem as the victim business really does not want the handbills distributed or the suspects on the property. 

What I would like to find out is just how large of a problem this kind of action is through out the state. I have heard through the grape vine that areas such as Orlando and Gainesville have similar problems as well. 

What I am trying to do is build as large of a support group as I can of the industry because I plan to take this problem to our legislators and hopefully, create a Florida State Statute that covers this particular crime as currently we don't have one. 

Any help and support you can afford me will be greatly appreciated. I may be contacted as indicated below. 


Gene King, MPO
Tampa Police Department
One Police Center
411 N. Franklin Street
Tampa, Florida 33602
813-276-3552 (Desk)
[email protected]

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