Hotel Online  Special Report

TeleMatrix� To Manufacture Hotel In-Room Touchscreen
Kiosk Telephone w/ Tampa Based Concierge Networks

Colorado Springs, CO, June 18, 2002 - TeleMatrixTM, a leading worldwide provider of telephones for hospitality, commercial, and residential use, announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Concierge Networks to design, engineer, and manufacture KioPhoneTM, the first and only in-room kiosk appliance built solely for the hospitality marketplace.  KioPhone integrates full guestroom telephone functionality with an expanded-size touchscreen to provide on-line, customized information and services to hotel guests.

KioPhone gives fingertip access to abundant information for hotel guests 
KioPhone�s touchscreen adds an easy-to-use information interface to the familiar hotel telephone for guests.  In addition, Concierge Networks� robust Genie ConciergeTM software included on the KioPhone lets guests readily access and explore a variety of information from the comfort of their rooms:  local/regional area amenities, email access, games, and travel-related goods and services.  

KioPhone benefits abound for hoteliers

First and foremost, KioPhone solves the perennial problem hoteliers have faced in realizing profits from in-room high-speed Internet access for guests, helping yield higher take-rates of Internet access.  KioPhone also contributes to a hotel�s ability to generate additional revenue per available room through on-screen advertising sold to complimentary goods and services providers.  

KioPhone also provides convenient data port access for plug-in of portable computers in addition to providing an effortless touchscreen Internet option for guests to access information.  KioPhone access to Internet information is readily available 7 x 24 at the touch of a fingertip, easing internal hotel phone traffic from guests constantly seeking common pieces of information.  

KioPhone is groundbreaking development for hospitality industry
�The hospitality market has desperately needed an innovative solution to internet access for guests,� comments Dale T. Pelletier, President and CEO of TeleMatrix.  �Our vision has now been realized with an in-room communication device designed to improve the guest experience.  KioPhone is a natural evolution for the hotel telephone and TeleMatrix is excited about the opportunity to partner with Concierge Networks to bring this product to market.�  

Mark Goodman, President of Concierge Networks states, �The timing is perfect to bring the hotelier a solution to accomplish two important items - using information provided in the hotel CRM database or property management system to improve the individual guest experience.  KioPhone and Genie software help differentiate one hotel from the other AND provide desired additional revenue.  We look forward to working with TeleMatrix in partnership to bring KioPhone to market successfully.�

KioPhone information available at HITEC

Information on the KioPhone will be available at the HITEC®  show, June 25 to 27, at McCormick Place in Chicago.  Please visit booth #419/421 to find out how the pace-setting KioPhone and Genie Concierge software can provide you with an unmatched competitive edge.  

About TeleMatrix
TeleMatrix is a leading provider of telephones for the hospitality, commercial, and residential markets.  TeleMatrix has over 4 million telephones installed at over 15,000 customer sites worldwide.  TeleMatrix is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak and has qualified distributors in North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia/Pacific, South America and CALA.  TeleMatrix provides product support and maintains field sales operations in all geographic areas.  TeleMatrix is a premiere OEM/contract manufacturer of telephones and offers a complete line of products including the Spectrum� Series of business phones, the Marquis® series of phones for the worldwide hospitality industry, and the Regency� series of residential telephones.  For more information:

About Concierge Networks
Concierge Networks is a leading communications product provider to the worldwide hospitality industry for innovative, in-room concierge services and travel-related products.  Concierge works in concert with hoteliers, high-speed Internet access providers, hotel PBX suppliers, and hotel-related goods and services to deliver groundbreaking, innovative solutions that transform the guest experience.  Additional information can be found at



Mark Goodman, President
Concierge Networks, Inc.
Work: 727-724-8000
Fax: 727-724-3494
[email protected]

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