Hotel Online  Special Report

 American Hotel & Lodging Association Providing
Members with Essential Security Training Videos
Washington, September 28, 2001 - In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the United States, the lodging industry naturally has a heightened sensitivity about its guests and employees.  To address this matter, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is providing its members with specially priced, essential security training and instructive videos to help properties effectively meet the challenges of the days ahead.

Through its Orlando, Fla.-based Educational Institute (EI), AH&LA is offering its member properties a discount on materials focusing on such topics as emergencies, fire safety, workplace violence, employee awareness and problem prevention, and revenue management.

"AH&LA is committed to leading the industry through this crisis with every available resource," said AH&LA President and CEO Joseph A. McInerney, CHA.  "We are confident these tools will assist our members, as well as the entire industry, as they address future situations."

The security training videos are available until December 14, 2001, for the rate of $45 for AH&LA members and $75 for nonmembers.  To order the videos or for more information, call EI at (800) 752-4567 or (407) 649-8252.

AH&LA/EI Security Training Video Descriptions

Planning for Emergencies #585V
Ensure that all staff members are ready to handle any emergency.  This video helps properties design, develop, and implement a successful emergency plan, including an OSHA-required fire emergency program and emergency evacuation plan. 
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

Fire Safety: Prevention and Response for the Lodging Industry #584V Employees can be a property's first line of defense against fire if they have been properly trained.  This video, produced in collaboration with the National Fire Protection Association, demonstrates critical steps in fire safety awareness and prevention. 
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

Addressing Workplace Violence in the Lodging Industry #582V Workplace violence against employees or guests puts everyone at risk.  This video helps managers identify risks of workplace violence and demonstrates the proper response to violent situations. 
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

World Trainer: Security Awareness #514GVH
Security is everyone's responsibility.  This language-free video gets the message across to all employees as it demonstrates how to look for potential security problems and how to safely handle security incidents that may occur. 
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

Safety and Security: Everyone's Job #588BVH
This video introduces all staff members to the role they play in keeping your guests and property safe.  They'll learn how to tactfully question suspicious people, eliminate possible safety hazards, and handle guest injuries calmly.
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

Employee Awareness and Problem Prevention #583AVH
This video shows employees how to spot high-risk zones such as poorly lit areas, unsecured entrances, and likely hiding places.  They'll learn how to inform guests of security measures and tactfully recommend precautions. 
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

Lodging Security Officer Program #562KVH (Spanish version #562KSVH)
Includes four modules, supplemental video, and quiz answer key. 
(Property Package)
AH&LA member: $45
Nonmember: $75

The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), is a 91-year-old federation of state lodging associations throughout the United States with some 12,000 property members worldwide, representing more than 1.7 million guest rooms.  AH&LA provides its members with assistance in operations, education, and communications, and lobbies on Capitol Hill to provide a business climate in which the industry can continue to prosper.  Individual state associations provide representation at the state level and offer many additional cost-saving benefits.



Tia T. Gordon
Manager of Media Relations
American Hotel & Lodging Association
(202) 289-3153

Also See EI Videos Focus on Revenue Management and ADA Compliance / May 2001 

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