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Orlando Hotels in May Suffered a 13.3% Decline in Occupancy, Resporting 65.7% vs 75.8%

By Tim Barker, The Orlando Sentinel, Fla.
Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News 

Jul. 16--It looks like tough times are threatening to knock Orlando hoteliers off the pedestal that towers over the heads of competitors across the nation. 

In May, Orlando's average daily occupancy fell to a level that looks positively average when compared with the nation as a whole, according to Smith Travel Research. That's quite a change for a market that typically runs about 10 percent higher than the national average. 

Orlando hotels in May suffered a 13.3 percent decline in average daily occupancy, leaving 65.7 percent of the rooms filled on the typical day. Nationwide, the average was 63 percent. 

A year earlier, Orlando hotels were at 75.8 percent, compared with 66.5 percent for the nation. 

But that's not all bad, said Tallahassee-based hotel consultant Edward Xanders, pointing to one benefit of the dour economy. 

With hoteliers having trouble maintaining profit margins -- few are actually looking at losing money this year -- the business isn't attracting as many new projects as in years past. 

That should slow down the development pipeline, giving hoteliers some relief from fears of overbuilding. 

In each of the past three years, Xanders' company, Interim Hospitality Consultants, has done feasibility studies for as many as 18 hotel projects around the country. 

"This year, I've done one," Xanders said. 

-----To see more of The Orlando Sentinel, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to 

(c) 2001. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News. 


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