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Mike Duggan, GM of The Pan Pacific Lodge Whistler, 
Named Chair of the Tourism British Columbia's 
Board of Directors

(Whistler, BC) --- At the Wednesday, April 25 board meeting in Whistler, Tourism British Columbia's board of directors selected Mike Duggan as its new chair.
Serving on the board since March of 1999, Duggan has extensive tourism industry credentials and has worked with a variety of industry associations throughout the province. He was recently appointed general manager of The Pan Pacific Lodge Whistler, while also serving as the marketing committee chair of the Canada West Ski Areas Association, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association and the Canadian Ski Council.

"Mike Duggan is a highly respected member of our tourism industry," said Tourism BC President & CEO Rod Harris. "His broad range of experience in a variety of tourism activities, including adventure and eco-tourism, will provide the board with particularly useful insight and leadership."

Duggan succeeds Jean Anderson, who moves into the newly created role of past-chair.  Anderson was elected chair in 1998, seeing much of the organization's evolution from a government ministry to an independent crown corporation.

"I am very excited about helping build on Tourism BC's success as an independent Crown corporation," commented Mr. Duggan. "With global competition intensifying, our organization must continue to increase marketing efforts for the industry to ensure long-term growth. I'm looking 

Top ten economic facts about tourism in British Columbia: 

1.B.C.'s tourism revenues exceeded $9.2 billion in 1999, a 4.9 per  cent increase over 1998. 

2.B.C. hosted nearly 22.3 million overnight visitors in 1999, an increase of 2.1 per cent over 1998. 

3.The United States was B.C.'s number-one source of international visitors in 1999, with 5.1 million visitors generating $2.3 billion in revenue. 

4.Tourism directly employs almost 111,000 British Columbians and  accounts for approximately one in every 13 jobs in the province. 

5.Tourism is the second-largest export industry in B.C., behind only  forestry. 

6.Tourism accounted for $4.3 billion of B.C.'s total GDP in 1998, an  increase of 22.7% (in constant dollars) over 1989.

7.In current dollars, tourism GDP has grown from 45.1 per cent of forestry GDP in 1989 to 72.7 per cent in 1998. 

8.In 1999, there were 17,075 tourism-related business establishments operating in B.C., up about 2.2% from 1998. 

9.Accommodation room revenue in 1999 was $1.3 billion, an increase of 10.2 per cent over 1998 and 33.0 per cent over 1995. 

10.B.C. is emerging as a global destination for eco-tourism, which injected an estimated $808 million into our economy in 1999. 

forward to working with my fellow Board Members in establishing a clear vision for the work ahead."

The tourism industry in B.C. is projected to generate $9.7 billion in revenue in 2001, targeting another record year for the province. The industry directly employs more than 110,000 British Columbians accounting for one-in-13 workers in the province.  Tourism BC is an independent Crown corporation, which operates under the direction of an industry-led Board of Directors and is responsible for marketing Super, Natural British Columbia to the world.


Molly Cahill
(925) 631-7971
[email protected]

Also See Michael Duggan Named General Manager at The Pan Pacific Lodge Whistler / Jan 2001 

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