Hotel Online  Special Report



 HSMAI Providing Financial Assistance to Chapters 
Looking to Acquire the Services of a Paid Administrative/Executive Director

WASHINGTON, DC (May 3, 2001) � The Hospitality Sales & Marketing
Association International (HSMAI) announced the recipients of its new Matching Funds Grant Program, which provides financial assistance to chapters looking to acquire the services of a paid Administrative/Executive Director.

The first of the matching funds grants were awarded to the Illinois, New England and Tampa Bay chapters.  To date, 50 percent, or 23 chapters in North America and the Caribbean, have a full- or part-time staff person.

�We have found that a chapter�s ability to really be successful, and then sustain that success by developing a relevant series of programs and attracting qualified volunteer leadership, directly correlates to the presence of a some type of paid professional support,� states Bob Gilbert, CHME, CHA, president and CEO of HSMAI.

�The HSMAI International Board is committed to strengthening our chapters with initiatives such as this, which will allow them to be productive, proactive, creative, and above all, a tremendous resource for members.�

With this program, HSMAI is paying 50 percent of a chapter�s expense to retain staff management.  Furthermore, paid staff is entitled to complimentary membership in HSMAI, a one-day orientation program in Washington, DC (expenses paid by HSMAI), International Board representation as well as a special forum during the Annual Sales & Marketing Summit (held this year in Scottsdale, AZ, from June 6-8).

To be considered for the grant, chapters should submit a letter of interest detailing its measurement for success and a job description of the position to Joanne Winter, executive director of the Greater Phoenix Chapter and International Board representative for all chapter paid staff.  Her contact information is phone (602) 240-5552, fax (602) 240-5553 or e-mail: [email protected].

For more information, HSMAI Chapters should call Margie Sheffer in the chapter relations office at (877) 643-3511 or e-mail her at [email protected].

HSMAI is the leading organization of sales and marketing professionals representing all segments of the hospitality industry. 



Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International, 
1300 L Street, NW, Suite 1020, 
Washington, DC 20005, 
(202) 789-0089

Also See The Norwegian Chapter Honored with HSMAI�s Frank W. Berkman Global Chapter of the Year Award / August 2000 
HSMAI Attempts to Answer the Question Confronting Every Hospitality Business: How in a World Without Walls, Can You Effectively Market, Develop and Compete? / April 2001 

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