Hotel Online  Special Report

 Inntegral to Launch New Hotel-Chain IT 
Consolidation and Analysis System at HITEC 2001

  •  Streamlines Hotel-Management Companies strategic decision-making
  •  Represents quantum leap in tracking, budgeting, and forecasting
  •  Capitalizes on existing legacy systems
  •  Provides immense added value for corporate executives
13 June 2001 - A powerful new IT system for data consolidation, budgeting, forecasting and analysis tailored for hotel chains and management companies, is to enjoy its international launch later this month at HITEC 2001, the Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Tradeshow, Booth 1148, 1150, taking place 26-29 June 2001, in Orlando, Florida.

The Inntegral Solution, developed by the former CFO of a hotel-management company and a statistical theorist specializing in hospitality industry principles, aggregates the key data from a company�s existing legacy systems and integrates the information onto a central platform, making it accessible to the innovative tracking, budget-planning, and forecasting modules which comprise the product. 

�I know all about the demands, pressures, and considerations with which a senior executive in a lodging-management company has to deal,� states Morris Lanel, one of the founders of Inntegral® Business Intelligence Systems. �Daily decisions, not to mention long-term planning, depend on information which streams in from multiple sources and often multiple systems. Just sorting through that basic data before being able to get down to the essence of decision-making and strategic planning uses up valuable time and effort. So, based on my own experience, I knew there had to be a more efficient way and sounder methodology.�

Being a bottom-line person, Lanel also was conscious of the reluctance any executive would have about replacing existing IT systems. So, he and the company�s co-founder, Dr. Zvi Schwartz, undertook creating a platform which made use of all legacy systems operating within any given hotel company. Schwartz � who has taught forecasting methods for hospitality, tourism quantitative models in hospitality and tourism management, plus organization and management at the university level � is a published theorist whose applied experience matched and complemented the challenge. 

�Complex decision-making support is becoming increasingly crucial for efficient and effective hotel-chain management,� Schwartz explains. �We saw a need for consolidating hard data in such a way as to facilitate analysis and take a lot of the guesswork out of budgeting and forecasting.�

The product of their efforts, in cooperation with a subsidiary of Ness Technologies, is The Inntegral Solution, which comprises four modules: a multiple-property Data Consolidator, a multi-level Performance Analyzer, a highly dynamic Budget Executive for creating and tracking budgets, and a Forecasting Wizard

Among its broad spectrum of features, the Inntegral Solution provides immediate and convenient views of a group�s budgets at each organizational level (hotel, region, brand, and group); comparison between business units; analysis of various revenue and cost parameters; a rolling dynamic budget that serves as a short-term forecasting system; multi-currency management, and local-language adaptation. There is a diverse scenario generator for �what-if� analysis, an automated breakeven-point calculator enabling hotel-specific computation, and the means for applying a wide range of sensitivity tests. These are only examples of the myriad tools and options included in the system.

Business Inntelligence Solutions for Hotel-Chain Management

Inntegral Business Intelligence Systems has devised an efficient and proven system which consolidates the preponderance of data hospitality industry executives require for crucial decision-making.

Typically, hotel-company executives are flooded with vast quantities of information which stream in from a wide range of sources. Since most of this raw data is generated by different information systems and in a mixture of formats and report structures, the ability to extract, analyze, and present only the relevant data in an efficient and consistent format is pivotal. 

Inntegral provides precisely such a tool to hotel-management companies, tailoring it to the requirements of each. The Inntegral Solution accepts data from the hotels' multiple IT systems, processes the figures, and transforms them into comprehensive and integrated information. This creates a central information bank for the organization - especially the key executives at corporate, regional, and individual-property levels. 

This multi-purpose management tool provides overall and localized performance observations, intricate analysis, effective forecasting, and budgeting:
The Performance Analyzer features a versatile Reports Generator with vivid graphic representations and dynamic charts, visualizes critical reports and replaces cumbersome spreadsheets.  Seasonal and long-term trends are instantly revealed, providing a powerful depiction of organizational performance.
The  Forecasting Wizard allows instantaneous examination of historical data and patterns and produces accurate forecasts of occupancies, revenues, and expenses by market segment.

The Budget Executive is a comprehensive, multi-currency, dynamic budget generating and analyzing system, featuring a powerful "what-if" analysis scenario-generator. It also serves as a short-term forecasting system, with very flexible budget periods and numerous versions that can be managed and compared. An automated Breakeven-Point Calculator enables hotel specific computation of the minimum business volume required to achieve breakeven operations.

The Data Consolidator combines relevant data from all the properties in the company, to provide a concise performance presentation of the hotels in the group, at all organizational levels - by  hotel, by region, by brand, and company wide.

The first version of the platform was installed in mid-1998 at Isrotel Hotel Management (1981) Ltd., one of the largest hotel-management companies in Israel. The valuable input from Isrotel�s senior executive team contributed importantly to the refinement of an even more advanced, powerful, and user-friendly system.

During the first half of 2001, the Inntegral Solution came into use at two prominent hotel-management companies: Accor (Israel) and Park Plaza, Europe. Both report they are already experiencing substantial benefits from the integration of the system � even at the very early stages of implementation � and are progressing rapidly to full-scale operation at all company levels.

�With our accelerated growth rate, we urgently needed a powerful tool to integrate our systems and allow us effective group management,� acknowledges Yossi Wircer, Corporate VP - Management Service of Park Plaza, Europe. �Almost immediately, the Inntegral Solution was able to provide us with clear presentations of the performance levels of recently affiliated properties and an effective view of the unified chain status. Inntegral supplied us with a first-rate platform for understanding and managing our evolving business.�

David Catz, Operations Manager of Accor (Israel) adds �Inntegral has provided us with an excellent solution to effectively consolidate the activities and information of all our properties, with effective graphs that provide a clear picture of the business status and of seasonal and long-term trends. The immediate availability of crucial chain information improves our executive decisions and the overall business management.� 

As a result of the successful and satisfying testing the system has undergone, the Inntegral Solution is being released, internationally. �This system has already proven its ability to simplify data analysis, increase management efficiency, and improve organization performance,� states Lanel. �We are confident it will prove to be an invaluable tool for the senior executives and decision makers of hotel-management companies.�

Inntegral® Business Intelligence Systems is headquartered in the United States, with its R&D subsidiary based in Israel.


Iris Einhorn
Marketing Manager
Tel:  972-3-967 8586 
Fax: 972-3-965 4341
[email protected]

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