Hotel Online Special Report


 "Hotel" Common Sense 

By John Hogan, CHA MHS - June  2001
�The noblest question in the world is, ��what good may I do in it?� � 
 Benjamin Franklin, on values 

Our industry literally encompasses many of the perspectives and values of our global market.  It attracts people from all walks of life and provides employment to professionals at a wide range of skills. 

Benjamin Franklin was well known for his many inventions, but perhaps even more so for his insights to the human spirit, as noted in his remark above on human value.

The following 15 observations were formed by my experience in this industry and are offered to you for your consideration and discussion.

"Hotel" Common Sense 

  1. Always respect the three parts of every successful hotel operation.   Make your decisions with the needs of the owner, associate and customer in mind.
  2. Listen more, talk less. MANAGEMENT BY WALKING AROUND is priority one.
  3. Quality cannot be a sometimes thing by some people.  Create team spirit by  involvement through Quality Assurance programs.  Concentrate on quality and quantity will follow.
  4. Introduce a highly visible and enforced service code. Lead by visible example
  5. Establish a mission statement that includes a pride and credo of what your purpose is.
  6. Define and deliver EXCELLENCE.  Practice philosophies of fairness with everyone. Always.
  7. The only thing constant in our business today is change.  If you do not improve on today's service delivery, someone else will.
  8. Delegate authority, responsibility and accountability.
  9. If you expect your team to succeed, you must personally be involved in the selection, orientation and ongoing training processes.  Quarterly formal reviews are essential.
  10. Continuing education is a must. We all need to be replenished.  Study other winners, but not just those in your profession.
  11. Dare to fail!
  12. Evaluate personal time management. Use the 80/20 rule (80% of our results will usually come from 20% of our focused efforts).   DO IT NOW!
  13. Manage systems. Lead people. Coach your team. Be a real mentor.
  14. Keep the proper balance of high tech and high touch.   Use technology to help guests first, the hotel second.   People will always relate to "high touch" in our business.  
  15. Instill and maintain passion in your everyday activities. 
Think Tank
Question of the day

Each month we provide questions to stimulate discussion about the way we do business.  There is not necessarily only one �correct� answer � the reason for this section of the column is to promote an awareness of how we might all improve our operations.

Topic:  Developing and Maintaining Staff

  1. Why should staff development be emphasized in our hotels, many of which may have less than 100 rooms and less than 25 staff members?
  2. What are some specific results that are usually achieved from training and developing staff?
  3. What guidelines does your hotel use in developing and conducting training and development programs?
Comments about the Think Tank question, this column or other related topic are always welcome.

John Hogan, CHA MHS is the Director of Education & Training for Best Western International, the world�s largest lodging brand.  His background includes teaching college level courses as an adjunct professor for 20 years, while working with Sheraton, Hilton, Omni and independents hotels.  Prior to joining Best Western International in spring of 2000, he was the principal in an independent training & consulting group for more than 10 years.  He has published more than 75 articles & columns on the hospitality industry.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication or of Best Western International. 


John Hogan, CHA MHS
Director of Hospitality Education 
and Training
Best Western International

[email protected]


"...we all need a regular dose of common sense "

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