Hotel Online Special Report

 Indian Gaming Creates Substantial, Positive Impact 
on the Arizona Economy; Now Employes 9,300

PHOENIX, June 21, 2001 - Arizona Indian casinos generate $40 million in state and local taxes from casino vendors and more than $28 million in federal and state payroll taxes in 2000 according to an economic study by Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy at the University of Arizona.  The study was commissioned by the Arizona Indian Gaming Association to assess the impact on the Arizona economy by Indian casinos.

"Indian gaming is a large industry making its 9,324 employees comparable, in employment terms, to the Arizona mining sector which employs 9,700 workers," said Stephen Cornell, Director of the Udall Center.  "These jobs go to both Indian and non-Indians."  The report reveals that, in the spring of 2001, 57% of all casino and tribal gaming jobs were held by non-Indians.

"The multiplier effects of Indian gaming through the Arizona economy are substantial," said Cornell.  "We estimate that in 2000 at least 14,784 in-state jobs were attributed to Indian casino operations, and those operations directly and indirectly generated at least $468 million economic activity within the State.  We also found that Arizona Indian casinos spent $254 million on goods and services in 2000.  The majority of these dollars were spent within the state of Arizona."

The Udall Center based its findings on studying three categories of casino spending: vendor outlays, employment and taxation.  The data was collected from thirteen Arizona Indian gaming tribes.

"This study shows that Indian gaming is having a substantial, positive impact on the Arizona economy," said David LaSarte, Executive Director of the Arizona Indian Gaming Association.  "But in addition to helping the state and local governments, gaming revenues directly help tribal governments.  Like the Arizona Lottery, which sends its profits to the state coffers to provide state services, Indian gaming dollars go directly to tribal governments.  These venues are 100% taxed by tribal governments who use them to provide essential services for tribal members."


Arizona Indian Gaming Association

Also See Senator John McCain Calls for Investigation into the $1 billion in Profits Taken by Non-Indian Partners in the Mohegan Sun Casino / June 2001 

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