In email marketing, an unsubscribe represents someone saying “that’s enough.” But email doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s just one channel in a growing landscape of online messages. In 2006 there was no such thing as a brand Facebook page or advanced ad targeting, so is all this marketing noise in 2016 driving more and more people to opt out of these messages? Here’s what we found.

The Goods To find our answer we looked at a simple email metric that we’ve put under the microscope before but never on a year-over-year scale: unsubscribe rate. We took email performance data from 20,000 hotel and resort newsletter campaigns sent to over 1,000,000,000 people since 2007. We then found the average opt out rate for each year including year-to-date results for 2016.

chart of email opt out rate over time for hotels and resorts From a high of 0.23% in 2007 and 2012 to lows of 0.17% in 2009 and 0.18 in 2013, there really hasn’t been a consistent trend up or down from an average of about 0.21% for our client sample since 2007.

What This Means This honestly surprised us. We knew that opt-out rates hadn’t necessarily spiked, but we assumed with all the factors at play in today’s marketing environment something would have to give. For whatever reason, it hasn’t. At all.