March 23–Boone County tourism received good news Monday night from the Lebanon Planning Commission. The commission approved a development plan for an 85-room hotel at 410 Mt. Zion Road, Lebanon, nestled up next to the Lebanon Business Park.

Ascent Hospitality requested the plan for a four-story, 54,811-square-foot Hampton Inn and Suites.

Planning Commission board member Keith Campbell questioned how long it would take to complete the project once all needed approvals were in place.

"They would like to get started building this summer," said Kent Frandsen, the attorney representing Ascent Hospitality. "They're anxious to get going, and hope to have it completed by end of year. But that's probably not going to happen."

The build depends now on Lebanon Utility Stormwater approval, according to Deputy Planning and Zoning Coordinator Derek Warren.

"After that approval, they will be ready to rock and roll," Warren said.

Sidewalks must be ADA compatible, a possible screening plan for any HVAC components outside or on the roof may need city staff approval, and the deeds of dedication and right of way must also be completed.

Lebanon City Planner Rachel Cardis said the city's wastewater and street departments, along with the electrical provider and fire department had all been consulted on the project and gave their approvals.

Another area of concern was the retention pond area that according to Frandsen, all the businesses that entered into an agreement attached to that parcel of land would need to aid in cleanup of the pond. Warren said that would likely include the Subway, Taco Bell and Flapjacks.

Frandsen said the Ascent group would bear the cleanup cost; however, an agreement between the businesses would make sure some reimbursement would take place.

There was a discussion about putting a fence around the drainage area, or pond, between Frandsen and the board. The attorney said if a fence was needed "one could be put in."

Seven variances were approved for the property, and Warren said each was not unusual for that kind of project.